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Emmanuel Maggiori
  • MEAP began August 2024
  • Publication in Spring 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781633435759
  • 150 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Everything you need to know about AI to survive—and thrive—as an engineer.

Haven’t you heard? AI can instantly generate code, find and track network intrusions, parse your observability data, and even write a Medium article about it all. If AI is making you sweat about your future as an engineer, don’t worry. Your job has never been safer! The Engineer’s Pocket Guide to Surviving AI tells you everything you need to surf the AI wave instead of drowning in it.

In Engineer’s Pocket Guide to Surviving AI you’ll get:

  • Deciphering AI jargon (there’s lots of it!)
  • Where AI fits within your field of engineering
  • Why AI hallucinates—and what to do about it
  • What to do when AI comes for your job
  • Balancing skepticism with unrealistic expectations

Engineer’s Pocket Guide to Surviving AI gives you Emmanuel Maggiori’s unvarnished and opinionated take on where AI can be useful, and where it still kind of sucks. Whatever your tech field, this short-and-sweet guide delivers the facts and techniques you’ll need in the workplace of the present.

about the book

Engineer’s Pocket Guide to Surviving AI crams everything engineers need to know about AI into one short volume you can fit into your pocket. You’ll take a peek inside the AI black box for an overview of transformers, LLMs, hallucinations, tokens, and embeddings, along with the modern ecosystem of AI models and tools. You’ll find out when putting AI first fails your customers, understand how to get from “almost good enough” to “excellent,” and pick up some tips for dealing with the inevitable, potentially expensive, screw ups.

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For engineers in all fields, from software to security.

about the author

Emmanuel Maggiori, PhD, is a 10-year AI industry insider who specializes in machine learning and scientific computing. He has developed AI for everything from processing satellite images to packaging deals for holiday travelers. Emmanuel Maggiori is the author of Smart Until It's Dumb and Siliconned.

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