Contact Us

Board of Licensure in Medicine
161 Capitol Street
137 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0137

Telephone: (207) 287-3601
TTY users call Maine relay 711
Fax: (207) 287-6590
Complaints: (888) 365-9964

Board Employees, their positions, and their contact information.

Fitts, Nathan Licensure Specialist
Last Name A-L
(207) 287-3602 [email protected]
Hunt, Valerie Assistant Executive Director (207) 287-3605 [email protected]
Lathrop, Maureen Administrative Assistant (207) 287-3603 [email protected]
McLaughlin, Faith Consumer Assistant/Complaints (207) 287-3608 [email protected]
McLaughlin, Kelly Complaint Coordinator (207) 287-6931 [email protected]
Morrison, Tracy Licensing Supervisor (207) 287- [email protected]
Vacant Investigative Secretary (207) 287-3625  
Okoronkwo, Savannah Licensure Specialist
Last Name M-Z
(207) 287-3782 [email protected]
Smith, Paul, MD Medical Director (207) 287-4713 [email protected]
Terranova, Timothy Executive Director (207) 287-6930 [email protected]
