Publish or Print a Book

Have a book custom printed or self-publish a book for free to sell around the world!

How to Self-Publish a Book

Free resources & tools to get you started with Self-Publishing and Print-On-Demand books.

Sell Your Book

Sell your books internationally using Shopify, WooCommerce, Amazon, the Lulu Bookstore, and more.

Free Automated Book Printing for Your Business

Connect your business site with Lulu's free book printing API. Have copies professionally printed and shipped automatically.

Book Pricing Calculator

Quality book printing at a reasonable price. Check pricing, format variations, retail pricing, and shipping for custom books or calendars.

Order Import Tool

With the Order Import tool, you can take pre-orders from your online store or in-person at events and fulfill them all at once. Or you can use it to dropship books whenever you need! It’s never been easier to place bulk orders for your novel, photo book, manual, textbook, or any kind of book or custom calendar.

Get Started

Create a free Lulu account today to self-publish your book and have your book printed for you, a friend, or readers all over the world.