This is a low-effort post (at least, it was intended as such ...). I mostly want to get other people’s takes and express concern about the lack of detailed and publicly available plans so far. This post reflects my personal opinion and not necessarily that of other members of Apollo Research. I’d like to thank Ryan Greenblatt, Bronson Schoen, Josh Clymer, Buck Shlegeris, Dan Braun, Mikita Balesni, Jérémy Scheurer, and Cody Rushing for comments and discussion.<\/i><\/p>

I think short timelines, e.g. AIs that can replace a top researcher at an AGI lab without losses in capabilities by 2027, are plausible. Some people have posted ideas on what a reasonable plan to reduce AI risk for such timelines might look like (e.g. Sam Bowman’s checklist<\/u><\/a>, or Holden Karnofsky’s list in his 2022 nearcast<\/u><\/a>), but I find them insufficient for the magnitude of the stakes (to be clear, I don’t think these example lists were intended to be an extensive plan).<\/p>

If we take AGI seriously, I feel like the AGI companies and the rest of the world should be significantly more prepared, and I think we’re now getting into the territory where models are capable enough that acting without a clear plan is irresponsible. <\/p>

In this post, I want to ask what such a short timeline plan could look like. Intuitively, if an AGI lab came to me today and told me, “We really fully believe that we will build AGI by 2027, and we will enact your plan, but we aren’t willing to take more than a 3-month delay,” I want to be able to give the best possible answer. I list some suggestions but I don’t think they are anywhere near sufficient. I’d love to see more people provide their answers. If a funder is interested in funding this, I’d also love to see some sort of “best short-timeline plan prize” where people can win money for the best plan as judged by an expert panel. <\/p>

In particular, I think the AGI companies should publish their detailed plans (minus secret information) so that governments, academics, and civil society can criticize and improve them. I think RSPs were a great step in the right direction and did improve their reasoning transparency and preparedness. However, I think RSPs (at least their current versions) are not sufficiently detailed and would like to see more fine-grained plans. <\/p>

In this post, I generally make fairly conservative assumptions. I assume we will not make any major breakthroughs in most alignment techniques and will roughly work with the tools we currently have. This post is primarily about preventing the worst possible worlds.<\/p>

Short timelines are plausible<\/h1>

By short timelines, I broadly mean the timelines that Daniel Kokotajlo has talked about for years (see e.g. this summary post<\/u><\/a>; I also found Eli Lifland’s argument<\/u><\/a> good; and liked this<\/u><\/a> and this<\/u><\/a>). Concretely, something like<\/p>