Lenovo ThinkEdge - Built for Performance, Quiet by Design
Say goodbye to distracting background noise and hello to a more productive and focused work environment.
Join for Free`,
'myLenovoRewardsSignup': rbkeyTemplate`My Lenovo Rewards Signup`,
'flash.mt.account.registration': rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'flash.mt.account.registration.linkRegisterRewardsSignUpLearnMore': rbkeyTemplate`Learn More `,
'flash.mt.account.registration.linkRegisterRewardsSignUpTermsConditions': rbkeyTemplate`Terms & Conditions`,
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'linkRegisterTermsOfUse': rbkeyTemplate`Privacy Policy.`,
'flash.mt.account.registration.back': rbkeyTemplate`Back`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.with.one.time.code': rbkeyTemplate`Verify Account `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.resend.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`Resend Code `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.create.account': rbkeyTemplate`Verify & Create Account `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.resend': rbkeyTemplate`Didn’t receive code within one minute?`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.des1': rbkeyTemplate`Please enter the code we just emailed to `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.des2': rbkeyTemplate`. It expires in 15 minutes.`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.skip.verify': rbkeyTemplate`Skip & Verify Later`,
'flash.mt.account.send': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account.Welcome.paragraph1': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account.Welcome.paragraph2': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account': rbkeyTemplate`Continue `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.signin': rbkeyTemplate`Verify & Create Account`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.singInBtn': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.or': rbkeyTemplate`Or`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.oneTimeCode': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In with a One-time Code`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.whatOneTimeCode': rbkeyTemplate`What’s the one-time code?`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.whatOneTimeCode.desc': rbkeyTemplate`A one-time code is the most secure way to sign in. Here is how it works: we send a passcode to your email and prompt you to enter the code, which will immediately sign you into your Lenovo account.`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.rememberMe': rbkeyTemplate`Remember Me`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.forgetPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Forgot Password?`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.placeholderPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Password`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.back': rbkeyTemplate`< Back`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.loyaltyText': rbkeyTemplate`By joining, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and you are opting in to receive Lenovo marketing communications via emall.`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.joinForFree': rbkeyTemplate`Join My Lenovo Rewards`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.socialtitle': rbkeyTemplate`More Options`,
'flash.mt.account.you.are.signin': rbkeyTemplate`You’re signed in! `,
'flash.mt.account.login.with.one.time.code': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In with One-time Code `,
'flash.mt.account.sign.create.account': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In and Register`,
'flash.mt.account.sign.create.account.desc': rbkeyTemplate`Sign in to proceed and you can opt in to earn 0 in rewards.`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.welcomemsg': rbkeyTemplate`Welcome! Enter your email to begin signing in or creating a new account.`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.socialtext': rbkeyTemplate`Choose from any option below to sign in or create an account with Lenovo.`,
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'flash.mt.account.signIn.enterPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Enter Password`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.welcomeBack': rbkeyTemplate`Welcome back! Please enter your password to sign in.`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.account.octOverlay.title': rbkeyTemplate`One-time Code`,
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'flash.mt.account.login.des1': rbkeyTemplate`Please enter the code we just emailed to `,
'flash.mt.account.login.des2': rbkeyTemplate`. It expires in 15 minutes.`,
'flash.mt.account.login.otp': rbkeyTemplate`Enter code above `,
'flash.mt.account.login.resend': rbkeyTemplate`Didn’t receive code within one minute?
'flash.mt.account.login.resend.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`Resend Code`,
'mt.popup.title.sign.in': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.success.desc': rbkeyTemplate`Thanks for signing in with a one-time code. The next time you sign in, we’ll send you a new code, so you can sign in even quicker.`,
'flash.mt.account.success.button': rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'flash.mt.account.login.back': rbkeyTemplate`< Back `,
'flash.mt.account.success.button.pass': rbkeyTemplate`Continue and use a password next time`,
'flash.mt.account.login.otp.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`sign in with your password. `,
'flash.mt.account.create': rbkeyTemplate``,
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'flash.mt.account.login.button' : rbkeyTemplate`Sign In `,
'flash.mt.account.email.incorrect' : rbkeyTemplate`Invalid email address. Remove all spaces & invalid characters.`,
'orSignInWith' : rbkeyTemplate`or Sign in With`,
'splitterLoginHeader' : rbkeyTemplate`Start Shopping`,
'splitterLoginInfo' : rbkeyTemplate`Your Lenovo ID has multiple stores tied to your account. Which would you like to sign into and start shopping?`,
'spliterTooltipLine1' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'spliterTooltipLine2' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'SpliterToolTipLenovoIdLbl' : rbkeyTemplate`You can have multiple stores connected to one Lenovo ID. Once you choose a store from this page, you will be directed to it and signed in with your Lenovo ID:`,
'flash.mt.splitter.tooltip.header' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.image' : rbkeyTemplate`https://p4-ofp.static.pub//fes/cms/2024/08/23/aecao4pbkx3w8n9bjvs286w0oj8j5t361897.png`,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.title' : rbkeyTemplate`Benefits of a Free Account`,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.description' : rbkeyTemplate` Opt in to My Lenovo Rewards and earn up to 9% rewards on most purchases, plus free expedited delivery! Track orders, manage your products and warranty, save addresses & payments and more Create and save your favorite products with a custom Wishlist Easily manage your subscriptions and notifications in one place`,
'flash.mt.account.success.title.sign' : rbkeyTemplate`Create Account`,
'choose.your.account.type' : rbkeyTemplate`Choose Your Account Type`,
'account.text' : rbkeyTemplate`Select which type of account you would like to create.`,
'lenovo.id' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'personal' : rbkeyTemplate`Personal`,
'personal.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate` Annual Sale. Save up to {savingPercent} off on laptops & accessories! Plus, free shipping. Shop Now > Shopping for a business? New Lenovo Pro members get $100 off first order of $1,000+, exclusive savings & 1:1 tech support. Learn More > Buy online, pick up select products at Best Buy. Shop Pick Up > My Lenovo Rewards! Earn 3%-9% in rewards and get free expedited delivery on select products. Join for Free > Bad credit or no credit? No problem! Katapult offers a simple lease to own payment option to help get what you need. Learn More > Edge-AI, Made Easier Lenovo takes the guesswork out of finding the right Edge-AI solution for your business, with a team of expert consultants that find the right path for your unique business needs. Building Smarter Business with AI This big-picture intro shows how AI at the Edge is revolutionizing the way customers shop, the way things are made, and the quality of life in smart cities and spaces. AI Retail Solutions with Lenovo ThinkEdge +C2RO See how Lenovo and AI-Innovator C2RO help retailers master challenges while enhancing the customer experience. Manufacturing in the Age of Edge-AI From product development to supply chain to plant efficiencies and more, Lenovo ThinkEdge is driving smarter decisions on the assembly line and beyond. Enhancing Public Safety and Security with Lenovo Validated Designs AI is improving public sector safety through automated data analysis and real-time decision-making. See how Lenovo ThinkEdge and AI-partner Kognition have streamlined the process. Smart City = Happier Citizens Barcelona continues to evolve its Edge technology commitment to improve residents’ quality of life with everything from automatic traffic to easier shopping experiences. Transforming the Future of Edge Computing with Lenovo ThinkEdge Blake Kerrigan, Senior Director of Lenovo’s Global ThinkEdge Business Group, explores how Lenovo is accelerating adoption of enterprise AI and shaping the future of the industry. Data Where it Happens: Find the Edge Server Game Lenovo ThinkEdge servers are engineered to deliver fast insights and faster ROI. Conquer the leaderboard and find the Edge servers in these real-world settings before time runs out! Lenovo ThinkEdge SE455 V3 Ideal for large and demanding Edge-AI and Telco workloads, featuring new capabilities including best-in-class performance and built-in sustainability. Lenovo ThinkSystem MX455 V3 A versatile AI-optimized turnkey infrastructure with Azure Local delivering seamless integration with on-prem and Azure cloud environments. Lenovo ThinkEdge SE360 V2 Purpose-built to perform across a wide variety of the most demanding Edge-AI workloads in harsh environments. Lenovo ThinkEdge SE450 The ThinkEdge SE450 is NVIDIA-Certified and brings the data center to the edge. It is designed to help revolutionize transformative AI systems. Lenovo for Hybrid AI Tailor and scale your AI solutions faster while harnessing personal, private and public data everywhere. Lenovo TruScale for Edge and AI Enjoy the advantages of the latest Lenovo ThinkEdge hardware and services through a pay-as-you-go model. Enterprise AI Lenovo provides Enterprise AI solutions to help organizations transform and achieve more, faster, and with less energy. AI Solutions for the Public Cloud Lenovo infrastructure, with a top AI portfolio, backs 8 of the top 10 global cloud providers. Drawing from this expertise, we deliver advanced AI tech to organizations of all sizes. The Winning Formula Find out why Formula 1 experts teamed up with Lenovo for Edge devices and resilient IT infrastructure to keep up with innovation in motorsport. Telco Enters Next Stage of Evolution at the Edge Telefónica and Lenovo highlight the impact of multi-cloud setups in transforming telco networks. From cloud to edge, they can deploy any app on any device, anywhere. Leading a Whole New Retail Experience Computer vision helps retailers understand in-store shopping behavior. Sensormatic enhances retail experience with Lenovo's edge computing and Intel's AI solutions.`,
'continue' : rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'lenovo.pro.for.business' : rbkeyTemplate`Lenovo Pro for Business`,
'smb.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate`
'lenovo.education' : rbkeyTemplate`Lenovo Education`,
'edu.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate`
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