What does Hybrid AI mean?
Personal, enterprise and public data
Public and private models
Right mix of deployment locations
Choice of technology
Join for Free`,
'myLenovoRewardsSignup': rbkeyTemplate`My Lenovo Rewards Signup`,
'flash.mt.account.registration': rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'flash.mt.account.registration.linkRegisterRewardsSignUpLearnMore': rbkeyTemplate`Learn More `,
'flash.mt.account.registration.linkRegisterRewardsSignUpTermsConditions': rbkeyTemplate`Terms & Conditions`,
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'linkRegisterTermsOfUse': rbkeyTemplate`Privacy Policy.`,
'flash.mt.account.registration.back': rbkeyTemplate`Back`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.with.one.time.code': rbkeyTemplate`Verify Account `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.resend.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`Resend Code `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.create.account': rbkeyTemplate`Verify & Create Account `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.resend': rbkeyTemplate`Didn’t receive code within one minute?`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.des1': rbkeyTemplate`Please enter the code we just emailed to `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.des2': rbkeyTemplate`. It expires in 15 minutes.`,
'flash.mt.account.verify.skip.verify': rbkeyTemplate`Skip & Verify Later`,
'flash.mt.account.send': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account.Welcome.paragraph1': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account.Welcome.paragraph2': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.verify.account': rbkeyTemplate`Continue `,
'flash.mt.account.verify.signin': rbkeyTemplate`Verify & Create Account`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.singInBtn': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.or': rbkeyTemplate`Or`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.oneTimeCode': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In with a One-time Code`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.whatOneTimeCode': rbkeyTemplate`What’s the one-time code?`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.whatOneTimeCode.desc': rbkeyTemplate`A one-time code is the most secure way to sign in. Here is how it works: we send a passcode to your email and prompt you to enter the code, which will immediately sign you into your Lenovo account.`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.rememberMe': rbkeyTemplate`Remember Me`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.forgetPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Forgot Password?`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.placeholderPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Password`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.back': rbkeyTemplate`< Back`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.loyaltyText': rbkeyTemplate`By joining, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and you are opting in to receive Lenovo marketing communications via emall.`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.joinForFree': rbkeyTemplate`Join My Lenovo Rewards`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.socialtitle': rbkeyTemplate`More Options`,
'flash.mt.account.you.are.signin': rbkeyTemplate`You’re signed in! `,
'flash.mt.account.login.with.one.time.code': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In with One-time Code `,
'flash.mt.account.sign.create.account': rbkeyTemplate`Sign In and Register`,
'flash.mt.account.sign.create.account.desc': rbkeyTemplate`Sign in to proceed and you can opt in to earn 0 in rewards.`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.welcomemsg': rbkeyTemplate`Welcome! Enter your email to begin signing in or creating a new account.`,
'flash.mt.account.create.account.socialtext': rbkeyTemplate`Choose from any option below to sign in or create an account with Lenovo.`,
'mt.popup.title.sign.in': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.enterPwd': rbkeyTemplate`Enter Password`,
'flash.mt.account.signIn.welcomeBack': rbkeyTemplate`Welcome back! Please enter your password to sign in.`,
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'flash.mt.account.login.des1': rbkeyTemplate`Please enter the code we just emailed to `,
'flash.mt.account.login.des2': rbkeyTemplate`. It expires in 15 minutes.`,
'flash.mt.account.login.otp': rbkeyTemplate`Enter code above `,
'flash.mt.account.login.resend': rbkeyTemplate`Didn’t receive code within one minute?
'flash.mt.account.login.resend.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`Resend Code`,
'mt.popup.title.sign.in': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.success.desc': rbkeyTemplate`Thanks for signing in with a one-time code. The next time you sign in, we’ll send you a new code, so you can sign in even quicker.`,
'flash.mt.account.success.button': rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'flash.mt.account.login.back': rbkeyTemplate`< Back `,
'flash.mt.account.success.button.pass': rbkeyTemplate`Continue and use a password next time`,
'flash.mt.account.login.otp.code.link': rbkeyTemplate`sign in with your password. `,
'flash.mt.account.create': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.enter.email': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.profile': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.age.concent': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.read.accepted': rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.login.button' : rbkeyTemplate`Sign In `,
'flash.mt.account.email.incorrect' : rbkeyTemplate`Invalid email address. Remove all spaces & invalid characters.`,
'orSignInWith' : rbkeyTemplate`or Sign in With`,
'splitterLoginHeader' : rbkeyTemplate`Start Shopping`,
'splitterLoginInfo' : rbkeyTemplate`Your Lenovo ID has multiple stores tied to your account. Which would you like to sign into and start shopping?`,
'spliterTooltipLine1' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'spliterTooltipLine2' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'SpliterToolTipLenovoIdLbl' : rbkeyTemplate`You can have multiple stores connected to one Lenovo ID. Once you choose a store from this page, you will be directed to it and signed in with your Lenovo ID:`,
'flash.mt.splitter.tooltip.header' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.image' : rbkeyTemplate`https://p4-ofp.static.pub//fes/cms/2024/08/23/aecao4pbkx3w8n9bjvs286w0oj8j5t361897.png`,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.title' : rbkeyTemplate`Benefits of a Free Account`,
'flash.mt.account.benefits.description' : rbkeyTemplate` Opt in to My Lenovo Rewards and earn up to 9% rewards on most purchases, plus free expedited delivery! Track orders, manage your products and warranty, save addresses & payments and more Create and save your favorite products with a custom Wishlist Easily manage your subscriptions and notifications in one place`,
'flash.mt.account.success.title.sign' : rbkeyTemplate`Create Account`,
'choose.your.account.type' : rbkeyTemplate`Choose Your Account Type`,
'account.text' : rbkeyTemplate`Select which type of account you would like to create.`,
'lenovo.id' : rbkeyTemplate``,
'personal' : rbkeyTemplate`Personal`,
'personal.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate` Servers storage > Solutions > HybridAI Personal, enterprise and public data Public and private models Right mix of deployment locations Choice of technology Smarter AI Brings AI to You Develop and deploy AI models securely, on-premises, using your data. New 6th Gen Neptune® Liquid Cooling for AI Tasks Discover industry-leading Lenovo Neptune® Liquid cooling technology. Lenovo & NVIDIA Expand Hybrid AI Initiative Boost faster GenAI adoption for enterprises with Lenovo and NVIDIA’s partnership. CIO Playbook 2024 – Global AI Priorities and Perspectives Data Infographic An aggregate collection of data based on IDC led interviews with 2900 CTO and IT / business decision makers to capture priorities and perspectives on AI and the transformation it brings to organizations. Edge AI Solutions: Unlocking Data Insights at the Edge Lenovo helps organizations make better, faster business decisions, where the data happens in real-time, with the industry’s most reliable, comprehensive, and secure Edge AI portfolio. Lenovo for Enterprise AI: Control your AI stack and data Build, scale and evolve your enterprise AI faster and modernize your IT&O with the power of AI. Limitless Innovation with Flexible IT Infrastructure Accelerate innovation with the latest industry-leading solutions through a no-risk, no-surprise, pay-as-you-go model. Flexible IT infrastructure because innovation has no limits. AI Solutions for the Public Cloud: Powering the World’s Most Demanding AI With the industry-leading AI portfolio built on innovation, engineering and partnerships, Lenovo infrastructure powers 8 of the top 10 cloud solution providers worldwide. We draw on our extensive experience with these industry leaders to bring advanced AI technology to organizations of all sizes. Explore and Purchase AI-Workload Optimized Server Solutions Lenovo’s broad portfolio of ThinkEdge, ThinkSystem and ThinkAgile servers and solutions accelerated by NVIDIA enable customers to optimize their workloads and implement right-sized AI solutions from small inferencing to large training models. Lenovo Security by Design Our continuous security updates to the latest standards using the newest technologies helps ensure our hardware and firmware is secure out of the box to ward off next-level threats. Lenovo AI Recently Published Resources Visit Lenovo Press, to access data sheets, product guides, interactive tours, videos, white papers, and other reference materials – everything you need to learn about Lenovo AI infrastructure offerings. Smarter AI for All With comprehensive AI solutions and a wide ecosystem of AI services and partners, we're bringing the transformative power of AI to industries, organizations, and people of all kinds. Lenovo Enhances AI Through a Purpose-built Infrastructure Lenovo provides AI solutions for industries and customers of all sizes. Robert Daigle, Director & global AI business leader at Lenovo, discussed this at VMware Explore 2024 with analysts John Furrier and Dave Vellante on theCUBE. Ken Wong on AI Solutions for All Hear Ken Wong, President of Lenovo's Services & Solutions Group, explain how AI can help you cut through the noise and find the right solution for your organization. AI – Capturing the Lightning Without Getting Burned For enterprises, AI signifies a significant change across business areas like product development, marketing, and customer interaction. Lenovo's Scott Tease, VP ISG HPC & AI, talks about Lenovo's unique role in guiding customers for quicker results. AI for Good & All From the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Matthew Zielinksi, EVP & President of International Sales at Lenovo, discusses leveraging AI for productivity and better business outcomes.`,
'continue' : rbkeyTemplate`Continue`,
'lenovo.pro.for.business' : rbkeyTemplate`Lenovo Pro for Business`,
'smb.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate`
'lenovo.education' : rbkeyTemplate`Lenovo Education`,
'edu.description.list' : rbkeyTemplate`
What does Hybrid AI mean?
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