(a) Establishment
There is established within the Administration the Lender Oversight Committee (in this section referred to as the “Committee”).
(b) MembershipThe Committee shall consist of at least 8 members selected by the Administrator, of which—
3 members shall be voting members, 2 of whom shall be career appointees in the Senior Executive Service (as defined in section 3132 of title 5); and
(c) DutiesThe Committee shall—
review formal enforcement action recommendations of the Director of the Office of Credit Risk Management with respect to any lender making loans under section 636(a) of this title and any Lending Partner or Intermediary participant of the Administration in a lending program of the Office of Capital Access of the Administration;
in carrying out paragraph (2) with respect to formal enforcement actions taken under subsection (d) or (e) of section 650 of this title, vote to recommend or not recommend action to the Administrator or a designee of the Administrator;
in carrying out paragraph (2) with respect to any formal enforcement action not specified under subsection (d) or (e) of section 650 of this title, vote to approve, disapprove, or modify the action;