JUXT engineers have helped deliver projects across finance, property, health, green-tech, and law.

MVP and Beyond
Through each step from concept to delivery, we understand how important it is to think carefully about Minimum Viable Product and prioritize ruthlessly. Getting to MVP involves tough trade-offs and we build teams of engineers that can make the right calls, work iteratively, and seek feedback every day.
As a trusted partner, we’ll help you shape the product whilst we build the technical parts.

Selecting Technologies
At JUXT, we choose our technology and approach carefully as technology choices really do matter. We’ve all experienced building with poor tools, and the result can be a project that gets progressively slower and struggles under a weight of growing complexity and subtle bugs. This kills momentum and can be fatal for projects at an early stage.
The technologies we use should be Open, not depending on proprietary agreements and keeping implementation details locked away; Simple, not conflating concepts that should remain separate, to avoid complexity and maintain agility; Mature, with a proven longevity and value that is not subject to rapidly changing fashion; Secure, built with the security considerations of the modern cloud in mind; and Reliable , since failure of subsystems and components is inevitable in cloud infrastructure, our technologies must be responsive to failure and engineered to maintain service despite it.

Engaging with JUXT
When we engage with a project, we’ll complete a detailed discovery exercise to understand the domain and product vision. This allows us to validate the roadmap towards MVP, design an appropriate architecture, and select the right technologies.
Once discovery is complete, we’ll prepare the right team and get everything in place to start delivering from day one.

Leading Property Portal
JUXT led development of the platform which was launched on time and on budget to deliver a viable competitor to the UK’s property portal duopoly in just 9 months.
Supported By

Commodities Trading Startup
JUXT delivered an innovative new high-performance commodities trading application. In just a few months we went from an Excel-based prototype to a sophisticated browser-based MVP.
The application has pushed performance for data-intensive browser applications to the limit, with JUXT engineers bringing many technical innovations. Beyond MVP, JUXT engineers have become trusted members of the startup team.
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Electric eBike Provider
JUXT built the backend infrastructure, dashboards, allocation logic and tracking for a bike-hire scheme in Spanish cities. In addition, JUXT built the public kiosk software individuals to dock and un-dock, register and hire bikes.