


Supporting members




unique visitors have registered for our events so far in 2025


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the "Java User Group Switzerland" (jug.ch)?

A Java User Group (JUG) is a group of Java enthusiasts that meet to exchange ideas and knowledge about the Java platform. There are many hundred JUGs around the world. The jug.ch or "Java User Group Switzerland" is a JUG (Java User Group) with the goal to promote the Java platform and related topics to its members in Switzerland. This is mainly done by organizing events and presentations on these topics. Legally, the jug.ch is organized as a Swiss "Verein" (official legal entity; engl. organization, society).

What else does the jug.ch provide to their members?

In addition to great events, we inform our members regularly about Java events of third parties and we negotiate special rates for our members for courses and conferences.

How can I become a member?

The membership fee is 20 CHF per year. You can join here.

I don't know my member number. How to I get to that information?

The membership number is only issued for personal memberships. It is printed on the payment slip (in German "Einzahlungschein"). In case you lost it, you can send an email to [email protected] to get your personal membership number. Sometimes special rates are granted to personal memberships only.

How do I know where and when the jug.ch holds an event?

Events are announced by email (for personal members) and on our website (for anyone). On our website, you can register to receive the announcement emails (also for non-members). Feel free to spread word by yourself as well.

I love your events, but I'm missing something like X (place here what you think is missing in what we provide).

We are glad to receive feedback and input on our work and our events. Please send us an email with your ideas and wishes. As for events, we will try to invite your favorite speaker and/or organize a great event on your favorite topic. Just let us know and we will try our best.

Where can I find the slides from an event?

If the speaker agrees to share the slides, we publish a link to the slides on the event page shortly after the event.

How can I participate and actively help out?

Great that you want to help. Please contact us how you want to help and what you would like to do. We'd love to have active members helping out. Of course, spreading the word (social media, blogs, etc.) about our activities and that you liked them is always very welcome.

I have something to say, how can I make a presentation at your events?

Send us a short abstract of your talk by this form and if we think it is worthwile and valuable for our members, we will get back to you to setup the event. Please note that the abstract will be published on the website as a description of your event.

You have sponsors, how can I become a sponsor?

We are delighted that you are thinking of becoming a sponsor. On this page you can find some information about sponsorship.

I don't want to register, as I'm afraid that you'll give my contact information to sponsors!

Since its founding days, the jug.ch has never given any address of any member to anyone outside the organization. We are very sensitive on this issue and we will keep your contact information as safe as we (nowadays) can.

Why is the webpage in English and not in German?

We have quite a few members that only speak English, some would prefer French. One solution to the language issue could be to translate the webpage into German, French, Italian and English. However, that would mean a lot of work and higher costs. Therefore, we chose to pick one language that every Java enthusiast or everyone in our community is familiar with and is able to read and that would be English. Let us know what you think about this by emailing to [email protected].

My question was not answered here. How can I get answers?

Thank you for your interest! Please contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to you with an answer to your questions.


Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich
[email protected]

© Java User Group Switzerland