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Sheridan W. Johns Archives
Sheridan W. Johns •�6 Items / 1 Book, 5 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    South Africa: A Modern History, by Rodney Davenport
    1. South Africa: A Modern History by Rodney Davenport
    The American Historical Review, October 1978, p. 1071
  2. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    Transkei's Half Loaf, by Newell M. Stultz
    1. Transkei's Half Loaf by Newell M. Stultz
    The American Historical Review, February 1981, p. 190
  3. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    Outcast Cape Town, by John Western
    1. Outcast Cape Town by John Western
    The American Historical Review, June 1983, p. 731
  4. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    Black Protest Politics in South Africa to 1912, by Andre Odendaal
    1. Black Protest Politics in South Africa to 1912 by Andre Odendaal
    The American Historical Review, February 1986, p. 165
  5. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Swaziland: The Dynamics of Political Modernization, by Christian P. Potholm
    1. Swaziland: The Dynamics of Political Modernization by Christian P. Potholm
    American Political Science Review, December 1974, p. 1833
  6. Mining for Development in the Third World (1980)
    Multinational, Corporations State Enterprises, and the International Economy
    1 Review
  7. No Items Found