A Highly-educated Workforce and Advanced Technology

Boost Your Business with the Brainpower of Japan’s Top Researchers

Japan has the highest number of researchers per capita in the G7. You can find the talent needed to drive innovation for your business here.

Ranking of number of researchers per million population by G7 group. 1st place Japan 5,613 people, 2nd place Germany 5,538 people, 3rd place France 5,025 people, 4th place Canada 4,860 people, UK 4,683 people, America 4,500 people, Italy 2,920 people

G7 Ranked by Number of Researchers per Million Inhabitants (2023)
*The figures represent scores.
Source: Created by JETRO based on World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (2023). Global Innovation Index 2023: Innovation in the face of uncertainty. Geneva: WIPO. DOI:10.34667/tind.48220External site: a new window will open

Exceptional Talent and Strong Labor Relations Will Fuel Your Business

Japan boasts a highly-educated workforce and a collaborative labor culture, both of which will enhance your business productivity.

Labour-employer Cooperation (2022)
Rank Country Score
1 Switzerland 100
2 Denmark 99.5
3 Singapore 92.7
4 Netherlands 90.9
5 Japan 87.2
Technicians and Associate Professional (2022)
Rank Country Score
1 Japan 100
2 Mauritania 89.8
3 Singapore 85.7
4 Germany 82.2
5 Finland 78.3
  1. Source:

    The Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) 2023 reportExternal site: a new window will open published by INSEAD, Descartes Institute for the Future, and the Human Capital Leadership Institute.

Leverage Japan’s Diverse Value-Adding Potential for Your Business

Known for its diverse, value-added products, Japan has a long history of leading global manufacturing. In 2021, it was ranked 1st in the world for the Economic Complexity Index, while 2022 saw it ranked 4th in Asia for industrial competitiveness. Establishing your business in Japan will give you access to cutting-edge technologies and innovative products well before they go mainstream.

Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index (2022)
Rank Country and Region CIP
1 China 0.36
2 Republic of Korea 0.30
3 China, Taiwan Province 0.29
4 Japan 0.28
5 Singapore 0.24
Country & Product Complexity Rankings (2021)
Rank Country ECI
1 Japan 2.3
2 Switzerland 2.1
3 South Korea 2.0
4 Germany 1.9
5 Singpaore 1.8
  1. Source:

    ©United Nations Industrial Development Oraganization "Data Browser" CC BY 4.0External site: a new window will open , and Growth Lab "Country & Product Complexity Rankings"

Boost Your Business: Hire From the World’s 4th Largest Pool of IT Engineers

Home to one of the world’s largest pools of IT engineers, Japan is brimming with technical talent, making it fertile ground for technological innovation. Japan’s technology and talent could turbo-charge your business.

Ranking of IT engineers. 1st place: America 4.451 million people, 2nd place: India 3.431 million people, 3rd place: China 3.284 million people, 4th place: Japan 1.44 million people.

Number of IT Engineers by Country (2023)
(Unit: 10,000 People)
*1 Survey year: United States (2022), India (2021 estimate), China (2021 estimate), Japan (2022)
*2 India: The number of IT engineers in the latest year is estimated assuming that the percentage of IT engineers in the information and communication industry workforce remains unchanged from the previous year.
*3 China: Estimated from the average percentage of IT engineers in the information and communication industry workforce in the Asian regions exluding China.
Source: Created by JETRO based on Human Resocia Co., Ltd "Global IT Engineer Trends Survey 2023 Edition: IT Engineer Report Vol. 9 with Data from 109 Countries" 

Cultivation of Global Talent in Japan is Making the Workforce More International and Diverse

When it comes to identifying investment opportunities in Japan, it makes sense to use a local expert. These days, it’s easier than ever to find an English-speaking Japanese professional who fits the bill. Meanwhile, with the number of International Baccalaureate (IB) schools in Japan growing to 249, the country is also cultivating future generations of globally-minded talent with the skills and capabilities to help you succeed.

*The number is as of June 2024.
*The above counts the number of IB accredited schools and others by program unit, and differs from the number of schools as published by the IB organization.
Source: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) IB Education Promotion Consortium

Japan Ranks Among the Top in the G7 in Terms of Tertiary Education Enrollment Rate

With Japan ranking among the top in tertiary education enrollment rate, the country offers a wealth of exceptional talent supported by its high educational standards. Japan is home to numerous individuals ready to drive your business towards success, providing the human capital you need to power your business forward.

Higher education advancement rate ranking by G7. 1st place USA, 2nd place Japan, 3rd place UK, 4th place Italy, 5th place Germany

Tertiary Education Enrollment Rate (Unit:%)
Source: Created by JETRO based on Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training "Databook of International Labour Statistics 2024"

PDF “Reasons to Choose Japan”

The “Reasons to Choose Japan” is also available in PDF.

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