Online Trade Fair Database (J-messe)


' + + '

' + c.start+ '~' + c.end + '

' + areaTxt + ''); } else { p.append('

' + + '

' + c.start+ '~' + c.end + '

' + areaTxt + ''); } } }); retrieve('j-messe/jsonfile/ranking1_en.json', 'div.elem_text_list_ranking > ol.ranking', function(p, c, i) { if (i < 3) { if (c.url.match('^/en/database/j-messe/.*?$') !== null) { p.append('

  • ' + + '
    ' + c.start + '~' + c.end + '
    ' + c.venueTop); } else { p.append('
  • ' + + '
    ' + c.start + '~' + c.end + '
    ' + c.venueTop); } } }); });
  • For Organizers

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        Major Exhibition Sites

        Find the best place to promote your business across the globe with data of major exhibition sites gathered through JETRO overseas offices.

        Third-party Certification System for Exhibition Statistics

        As a member of the JECC, JETRO makes active efforts including publicizing JECC-certified exhibitions to the world.

        Japan Exhibition Certification Council

        Related Links

        Click the link above to access official websites of international institutions and overseas organizations which organize and/or promote international trade fairs.