Property Insurance

Jay led the effort to lower the cost of property insurance in the special session of this year. But he believes there is much work left to be done and will make it a priority for every homeowner in the Panhandle to have access to adequate and affordable property insurance.

Tax Reform

With Florida’s property values climbing at a record pace, our property taxes in many communities are beginning to hurt working families. Jay will look for solutions to limit their increases, perhaps pegging them to an index to keep them reasonable for every homeowner. Jay will also fight to finally eliminate sales taxes on commercial leases.

Constitutional Rights

The values of our Panhandle are faith, family, and freedom. Jay has a record of standing strong for religious freedom, free speech for conservatives on college campuses, and for our gun rights. Jay is 100% pro-life and has been a champion for senior safety.

Veteran Opportunities

Jay helped lead the effort to pass unprecedented tax breaks for veterans and their families. He believes strongly that Florida needs to be the most veteran-friendly state in the nation and will continue to advocate for reforms to make it easier for veterans to open and operate small businesses after their military service is completed.

Let's Pitch in and Win!

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Post Office Box 37
Panama City, FL 32402
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Paid by Jay Trumbull, Republican, for State Senator
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