Issue 56 cover
Cover Art by Sam Taylor
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Bye Bye Bidenism

  • Issue 56
  • Winter 2025
“You and [Franklin] Roosevelt begin from two different starting points. But is there not a relation in ideas, a kinship of ideas, between Moscow and Washington? In Washington I was struck by the same thing I see going on here; they are building offices, they are creating a number of state regulation bodies, they are organising a long-needed Civil Service. Their need, like yours, is directive ability.”
— H. G. Wells, interview with Joseph Stalin, 1934

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“‘If you bought the cheapest kind of bread before inflation, there is no escape. You start at rock bottom on the price and quality ladder.’”


Brent Cebul &
Lily Geismer

Why Bidenism Failed

Despite lofty ambitions, four years of professional-managerial approaches to governing moved the Democrats even further away from their New Deal roots.

Interview with
Isabella Weber

Inflation Kills Governments

Economist Isabella Weber explains where the inflation surge came from and why the Biden administration struggled to beat it.

“Even the professional moderate David Brooks recently conceded, ‘Maybe Bernie Sanders is right.’”

Front Matters

Party Lines

Struggle Session

“Revolutionary art is rarely cultivated in the spotlight.”

“If there was a distinguishing feature of AMLO’s political style, it was his ability to treat neoliberalism as synonymous with corruption.”

“Trump has already handed the reins of his presidency over to the corporate elite.”

“The trends we’re seeing among non-white working-class voters in the 2024 election are no historical blip. They represent a continuation of patterns that go back to at least 2012.”