Affiliated Sites
The Internet Society supports a range of other projects, events and initiatives that are found on other web sites. Some of these sites are maintained by the Internet Society and operate on our infrastructure. Some are direct Internet Society projects, while others are sites we operate on behalf of other organizations or communities.
You can see the most recent content published across all our sites at
Current Sites Operated by the Internet Society
- Internet Society
- Internet Society Foundation
- Internet Society Membership Portal (Fonteva)
- Internet Society Learning Management System (LMS)
- Internet Society Donations
Internet Society Projects
Community/Partner Projects
- Africa Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF)
- Global Encryption Coalition (GEC)
- Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium
- Internet Technical Advisory Council (ITAC)
- Internet Technical Collaboration Group
Internet Society Chapter, Special Interest Group, and Standing Group Websites
The Internet Society has chapters, special interest groups, and standing groups. These entities operate their own separate websites. We maintain a map and list of chapters, as well as a list of special interest and standing groups that include links to their sites. You can view the content of chapters, SIGs, and SGs that regularly publish content at
Sites of Organizations with Which the Internet Society Is Involved
The Internet Society supports the activities of these organizations but is not directly involved in their website operations.
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)âread more about our relationship with the IETF.
- Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS)âInternet Society project supported until January 2024, when the Global Cyber Alliance took on the secretariat and operational functions. We continue to provide funding, advocacy, and training.
- Public Interest Registry (PIR)ânonprofit operator of the .ORG and .NGO domains. Visit our pages about PIR to understand the relationship between the two organizations.
- DNSSEC Deployment Initiative (still maintained by the Internet Society)
- World IPv6 Launch (archived)
- IXP Toolkit (archived)
- IETF Journal (archived)
- Network Time Security (archived)
- Call for an Open WSIS+10 Preparatory Process (2015) (archived)
- East Africa ICT & Higher Education Symposium 2010 (archived)