We have 3 washer extractors in our range. There is the Rigid Mount with Medium Spin, the Free Standing with High Spin, the Hygienic Barrier with High Spin and the Professional Washer Extractors with High Spin.

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`; document.getElementById('mrp-div-'+savePercentageValue.productId).append(htmlString); } } else{ const savestring = hyva.strf('(Save %0%)', savePercentageValue.savePercentage); if(document.getElementById('offer-percent-'+savePercentageValue.productId)) { document.getElementById('offer-percent-'+savePercentageValue.productId).innerText=savestring; } } }); } }).catch(function (error) { typeof window.dispatchMessages !== "undefined" && window.dispatchMessages( [{ type: "error", text: error }], 5000 ); }).finally(() => { }); } } }