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Division Academic Leadership and Administration

Title/Role Name
HSS Division Chair Tracy Dennison
Executive Officer for the Humanities Dehn Gilmore
Executive Officer for the Social Sciences Charles Sprenger
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });
HSS Option Representatives
Business, Economics, and Management (BEM) Jakša Cvitanić
Economics Kota Saito
English Catherine Jurca
History Warren C. Brown
History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) Diana Kormos Buchwald
Philosophy Frederick Eberhardt
Political Science R. Michael Alvarez
Social and Decision Neuroscience (PhD program) John P. O'Doherty
Social Sciences (PhD program) Marina Agranov
Visual Culture Brian R. Jacobson
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });
HSS Central Administration Staff
Division Operations Officer Candace A. Younger
Academic Affairs Manager Gail L. Nash
Division Option (Graduate Program) Manager Laurel M. Auchampaugh
Staff and Facilities Manager Victoria L. Cruz
Grants and Finance Manager Anny Lin
Grants and Finance Manager Steve Marr
Division Communications Coordinator Hanna Ramsey
AV and Logistics Coordinator Kapaūhi Stibbard
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });


Inquiries regarding faculty job postings: [email protected]

Inquiries regarding staff job postings: [email protected]

Inquiries regarding graduate programs:
[email protected]

Inquiries regarding the HSS website:
[email protected]

All other inquiries:
[email protected]

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Dabney sketch (blue on white background)

Baxter Mailing Address
1200 E. California Blvd.
Mail Code 228-77
Pasadena, CA 91125
Dabney Hall Mailing Address
1200 E California Blvd.
Mail Code 101-40
Pasadena, California 91125
Fax(626) 405-9841