Ordering & Payment
Placing an Order
Please note: Herrschners is not responsible for typographical errors. Prices subject to change. All product quantities subject to prior sale.
Business Customers and Large Consumer Orders: Herrschners reserves the right to charge for actual freight for large orders. Please contact customer service at 1-800-713-1239 or [email protected] with questions.
Shipping discounts and promotions:
Discounts, coupons, and codes for reduced shipping or free shipping are the property of Herrschners and may not be displayed, cataloged, linked to, or used by any other entity, business, or website without our expressed permission. Herrschners reserves the right to review orders more than $200 or more than 75 pounds and assess additional shipping charges. If an additional shipping charge is necessary, Herrschners will call the phone number provided on the order to review the shipping costs.
To place an order on this website
Select products and add them to your shopping basket. When you are ready to use our secure checkout, we will ask for your address and shipping information, but you are not required to create a permanent account with us.
To place an order by phone
Toll-free 1-800-441-0838
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Hours are in Central Standard Time (CST).
To place an order by mail
If you have one of our catalogs, in the center is an order form you can fill out and mail. Otherwise, handwritten orders can be mailed to:
Order Processing Department
2800 Hoover Road
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Mailed orders can be paid by personal check, money order or credit card – no cash please.
To place an order by fax
1-715-341-2250, 24 hours a day. Credit card orders only please.