Discover your annual savings with Haptik Solutions
Find out your potential ROI savings with Haptik’s Chat, Voice, and Email solutions for optimizing Customer Experience. With this calculator, you can estimate:
Automated Support Chats/Emails/Voice
Cost Savings
Agent Hours Saved
Schedule a demo today to see Haptik live in action and understand how it can help your business achieve the potential ROI.
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html += '
html += '';
} else if(ai == 'increase_orders' && channel == 'chat'){
var average_order_value = $('#average_order_value').val();
var number_of_monthly_chats = $('#number_of_monthly_chats').val();
if(typeof average_order_value === "undefined"){
average_order_value = 3;
if(typeof number_of_monthly_chats === "undefined"){
number_of_monthly_chats = 10000;
html += '
html += '';
function form_field_back(){
var channel = $( "#channel" ).val();
var ai = $( "#ai" ).val();
var html = "";
if(ai == 'automate_support' && channel == 'chat'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = $('#number_of_monthly_chats').val();
var cost_per_chat = $('#cost_per_chat').val();
html += '
html += '
html += '';
} else if(ai == 'increase_orders' && channel == 'chat'){
var average_order_value = $('#average_order_value').val();
var number_of_monthly_chats = $('#number_of_monthly_chats').val();
html += '
html += '
html += '';
} else if(ai == 'acquire_customer' && channel == 'chat'){
var new_customer_per_month = $('#new_customer_per_month').val();
var number_of_leads_per_month = $('#number_of_leads_per_month').val();
var revenue_per_customer = $('#revenue_per_customer').val();
var number_of_chats = $('#number_of_chats').val();
html += '
html += '
html += '
html += '
} else if( channel == 'email'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = $('#number_of_monthly_chats').val();
var cost_per_chat = $('#cost_per_chat').val();
html += '
html += '
html += '';
} else if( channel == 'voice'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = $('#number_of_monthly_chats').val();
var cost_per_chat = $('#cost_per_chat').val();
html += '
html += '
html += '';
function result(){
var channel = $( "#channel" ).val();
var ai = $( "#ai" ).val();
var html = "";
if(ai == 'automate_support' && channel == 'chat'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// result
var totalAutomatedSupportChats = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.7;
var annualSupportSavings = totalAutomatedSupportChats * cost_per_chat;
var totalAgentHoursSaved = totalAutomatedSupportChats * 5 / 60;
html += '
html += ' ';
html += '
html += ' ';
html += '
html += '
} else if(ai == 'increase_orders' && channel == 'chat'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
var average_order_value = Number($('#average_order_value').val());
// result
var total_number_of_New_orders = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.6 * 0.3 * 0.3;
var total_increase_in_sales = total_number_of_New_orders * average_order_value;
html += '
html += ' ';
html += '
html += '
} else if(ai == 'acquire_customer' && channel == 'chat'){
var number_of_chats = Number($('#number_of_chats').val());
var new_customer_per_month = Number($('#new_customer_per_month').val());
var number_of_leads_per_month = Number($('#number_of_leads_per_month').val());
var revenue_per_customer = Number($('#revenue_per_customer').val());
// result
var conversion_rate_hidden_in_UI = new_customer_per_month / number_of_leads_per_month * 100;
var total_new_customers = number_of_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.2 * ( conversion_rate_hidden_in_UI / 100 );
var total_additional_revenue = total_new_customers * revenue_per_customer;
html += '
html += ' ';
html += ' ';
html += '
html += '
} else if( channel == 'email'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// result
var total_automated_support_emails = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.4;
var annual_support_savings = total_automated_support_emails * cost_per_chat;
var agent_hours_saved = total_automated_support_emails * 5 / 60;
html += '
html += '
html += '
html += '';
} else if( channel == 'voice'){
var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// result
var total_automated_support_emails = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.5;
var annual_support_savings = total_automated_support_emails * cost_per_chat;
var agent_hours_saved = total_automated_support_emails * 5 / 60;
html += '
html += '
html += '
html += '';
// new
// old
// function result(){
// var channel = $( "#channel" ).val();
// var ai = $( "#ai" ).val();
// var html = "";
// if(ai == 'automate_support' && channel == 'chat'){
// var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
// var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// // result
// var totalAutomatedSupportChats = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.7;
// var annualSupportSavings = totalAutomatedSupportChats * cost_per_chat;
// var totalAgentHoursSaved = totalAutomatedSupportChats * 5 / 60;
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += '
// } else if(ai == 'increase_orders' && channel == 'chat'){
// var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
// var average_order_value = Number($('#average_order_value').val());
// // result
// var total_number_of_New_orders = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.6 * 0.3 * 0.3;
// var total_increase_in_sales = total_number_of_New_orders * average_order_value;
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += '
// } else if(ai == 'acquire_customer' && channel == 'chat'){
// var number_of_chats = Number($('#number_of_chats').val());
// var new_customer_per_month = Number($('#new_customer_per_month').val());
// var number_of_leads_per_month = Number($('#number_of_leads_per_month').val());
// var revenue_per_customer = Number($('#revenue_per_customer').val());
// // result
// var conversion_rate_hidden_in_UI = new_customer_per_month / number_of_leads_per_month * 100;
// var total_new_customers = number_of_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.2 * ( conversion_rate_hidden_in_UI / 100 );
// var total_additional_revenue = total_new_customers * revenue_per_customer;
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += ' ';
// html += '
// } else if( channel == 'email'){
// var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
// var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// // result
// var total_automated_support_emails = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.4;
// var annual_support_savings = total_automated_support_emails * cost_per_chat;
// var agent_hours_saved = total_automated_support_emails * 5 / 60;
// html += '
// html += '
// html += '
// html += '';
// } else if( channel == 'voice'){
// var number_of_monthly_chats = Number($('#number_of_monthly_chats').val());
// var cost_per_chat = Number($('#cost_per_chat').val());
// // result
// var total_automated_support_emails = number_of_monthly_chats * 12 * 0.7 * 0.5;
// var annual_support_savings = total_automated_support_emails * cost_per_chat;
// var agent_hours_saved = total_automated_support_emails * 5 / 60;
// html += '