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5 Things: Erin Benzakein of Floret Flower Farm

March 01, 2017

5 Things: Erin Benzakein of Floret Flower Farm

We are so excited to share another amazingly talented woman with you as a part of the return of our 5 Things series. Erin Benzakein is the founder of Floret Flowers, a family run flower farm in Skagit Valley, Washington. We have been following Erin's beautiful work for quite some time (see our previous post here) and were thrilled at the opportunity to interview her for this series! Erin's flower business has been expanding like crazy with a blog, workshops and now even a book - Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Bloomsreleasing on March 7! 


What did you want to be when you grew up?


When I was really young, I wanted to be a schoolteacher.  When I got a little older, my interests evolved a bit and I decided I wanted to be a biologist.  And even now there is a part of me that still dreams of being a midwife. 


Where do you find inspiration?


My inspiration comes from the natural environment and specifically the elements that define each season. I love the different colors, tastes, textures and temperatures that capture a particular moment.  My designs draw directly from the natural world and the abundance of whatever is blooming—whether it is lilacs and narcissus in the spring or dahlias and heirloom mums in the fall.  Each design reflects the ephemeral beauty of the season. 


Do you work from home?  Office?  Studio?


Yes, Yes, & Yes.  Floret is based out of my home and farm. Our flower field, garden and greenhouse are just steps from our back door. The Floret office occupies our basement and my design studio and shop (where we operate Floret Seeds) are now in what was a garage.  The business is our home and our home is the business.  This is generally wonderful, but I admit there are times it is frustrating when I need a break from work, yet I am surrounded by it because there is no real separation.  


Are you a City girl or a Country girl?


Most definitely a Country girl.  Even though I grew up in the city, country life was in my blood.  As a kid, I remember digging up plants (mostly weeds) and then replanting them in straight lines in the yard on my faux “farm.”  I adored visiting my Grammy and her garden and I’d come back to the city after my visits and try to grow tomatoes—even in our dimly lit apartment.  When my husband, Chris, and I moved to the country, I finally got the garden I’d been dreaming about. It was there where I could breathe. I finally felt at home.  


What are you reading right now?


There are four books that I have on my bedside table right now:  Compact Farms by Josh Folk, In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney, Rising Strong by Brené Brown and Small Victories by Julia Turshen.   I am a chronic consumer of multiple books at one time.  It is usually a mix of books on business marketing and self-help for entrepreneurs, with an occasional cookbook thrown in the mix.    


Purchase Erin's new book here and here!

And check out more of her work here: 


IG: @floretflower   



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