Peoples History Briefings
• Readers can challenge US NATO UN justifications for ongoing deadly invasions and bombings by pointing to the now obvious self-indicting past lies and fake news which promoted past ‘humanitarian interventions’ that are now proven to have been indisputably fully prosecutable crimes of genocide.
• The profits made by the US arms industry on Wall Street from all the death and destruction will be eventually targeted by the courts of a reorganized United Nations in adjudicating a plethora of lawsuits for reparations, indemnity and compensation, citing many millions of unlawful deaths and injuries, mega massive destruction of property and gargantuan theft of natural resources. Those of us who are awakened to the above must make some organized effort to make the arrival of this day of restitution and sanity arrive earlier than otherwise.

Chris Hedges – Who is He, and What is His Purpose?

Albert Woodfox: Heroes You Never Heard Of (But Should Have!)

Dave Lindorff reviews Ron Ridenour’s ‘The Russian Peace Threat’