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    Official 36th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Categories

    Awards Categories


    Outstanding Film – Wide Theatrical Release
    Film must be released by a recognized film distribution company, and play for paid admission in theaters for seven consecutive days. “Wide Release” will be defined by a combination of number of screens played, budget, and visibility. Receives Award: Award is given to the film. Producer, director, writer, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Film – Limited Theatrical Release
    Film must be released by a recognized film distribution company, and play for paid admission on a limited number of theater screens for seven consecutive days. “Limited Release” will be defined by a combination of number of screens played, budget, and visibility. Receives Award: Award is given to the film. Producer, director, writer, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Film – Streaming Or TV
    Film may be original content or acquired for distribution by a broadcast, cable, or streaming network. The film should have no commercial theatrical release outside of the festival circuit. This category does not include feature films distributed solely on VOD services where a “rental fee” is required. Receives Award: Award is given to the film. Producer, director, writer, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Documentary
    Documentaries must either be televised in more than one local market, or be released theatrically. If released theatrically, film must be released by a recognized distribution company, and play for paid admission in theaters for seven consecutive days. If televised, the broadcast date must be no more than two (2) years after the completion of the film. This category does not include documentaries distributed solely on VOD services where a “rental fee” is required. Receives Award:  Award is given to the film. Producer, director, and/or person(s) featured in the film may accept.

    Outstanding Drama Series
    Given to a drama series which has a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer character in a lead, supporting or recurring role. Award is given for content throughout the entire year. Receives Award: Award is given to the show.  Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Comedy Series
    Given to a comedy series which has a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer character in a lead, supporting or recurring role. Award is given for content throughout the entire year. Receives Award: Award is given to the show. Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding New TV Series 
    Given to a scripted comedy or drama series in its first season which has a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer character in a lead, supporting or recurring role. Show must have premiered in the U.S. during the eligibility period. Award is given for content throughout the entire year. Receives Award: Award is given to the show. Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series
    Given to a limited or anthology television series which has a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer character in a lead, supporting or recurring role. Receives Award:  Award is given to the limited or anthology series. Producer, director, writer and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Reality Program
    Given to a program that contains stories of regular people and/or celebrity participants, and generally depicts the lives of those characters, highlighting relationships, goals, dreams, etc. This may include make-over shows that are not competitive in nature. Award is given for LGBTQ content throughout the entire series. Programs that include a competitive element are not eligible to enter this category and must enter the Outstanding Reality Competition Program category. Receives Award: Award is given to the show. Producer, host, and/or participants may accept.

    Outstanding Reality Competition Program
    Given to a program that depicts actual people and/or events and includes LGBTQ people as participants, hosts, and/or judges. The show’s premise, circumstances or situations are manipulated for the purpose of creating the program, and may include contrived or staged elements for the purpose of creating a contest with a prize, award, or title. Award is given for LGBTQ content throughout the entire series. Receives Award: Award is given to the show. Producer, host, and/or participants may accept.

    Outstanding Children’s Programming
    Given to a family-oriented television program created for younger children. Award is given for a lead, supporting, or recurring LGBTQ character, or for an LGBTQ-inclusive episode or story arc in shows without a regular LGBTQ character. Judging will take into consideration the narrative tone and storytelling techniques required for the age of the intended audience. Receives Award: Award is given to the show or episode/story arc. Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Kids & Family Programming or Film
    Given to a family-oriented television program or film created for older kids, tweens, teens, and/or their parents. Award is given for a lead, supporting, or recurring LGBTQ character, or for an LGBTQ-inclusive film, episode or story arc in shows without a regular LGBTQ character. Judging will take into consideration the narrative tone and storytelling techniques required for the age of the intended audience. Receives Award: Award is given to the show or episode/story arc. Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Music Artist
    Given to a music artist who released a full-length or EP-length album during the current eligibility period, and who used songs, music videos, or live performances to accelerate LGBTQ acceptance. The album must be sold through a major music retail store and/or a major online music store. Media interviews, public statements, and other information may be considered when selecting nominees and award recipients. Receives Award: Award is given to the artist. Artist may accept.

    Outstanding Breakthrough Music Artist
    Given to a music artist who has achieved a breakthrough in the music industry during the current eligibility period and whose songs, music videos, or live performances have made a significant impact on LGBTQ visibility and acceptance. The artist must have released a full-length or EP-length album during the current eligibility period. The album must be sold through a major music retail store and/or a major online music store. Media interviews, public statements, and other information may be considered when selecting nominees and award recipients. Artists nominated for Outstanding Breakthrough Music Artist cannot be nominated for Outstanding Music Artist in the same year. Receives Award: Award is given to the artist. Artist may accept.

    Outstanding Broadway Production
    Given to theatrical productions or performances that run in a professional Broadway theater and open during the eligibility period (current calendar year). Multiple Nominations: Once a production has been nominated, it is no longer eligible for nomination during its run. Revivals: Revivals may be considered within the limits described above. However, in accordance with the overall GLAAD Media Awards criteria, the revival should include bold and original content. Receives Award: Award is given to the production. Writer, director and/or actors may accept.

    Outstanding Podcast
    Recognizes a non-fiction podcast episode or series which features discussion of LGBTQ issues. A series that is focused on LGBTQ issues and individual episodes of a non-LGBTQ series are eligible. Multiple episodes of the same show may be submitted. Receives Award: Award is given to the podcast. Creator, producer, editor, host and/or guest may accept.

    Outstanding Video Game
    Given to a video game from a major studio or publisher with outstanding LGBTQ-inclusive content. Award is given for an interactive experience that includes authentic and impactful LGBTQ characters or storylines. Judging will take into consideration the degree to which the LGBTQ-inclusive content is effectively woven into gameplay, including player agency and the world itself. At GLAAD’s discretion, a video game that is not from a major studio or publisher may be nominated if the game achieves a similar level of visibility and impact. Receives Award: Award is given to the video game. Developers or publishers may accept.

    Outstanding Comic Book
    Given to an ongoing comic book or limited series released by a mainstream publisher and its subsidiary labels. At GLAAD’s discretion, a comic book from another publisher may be nominated if the book achieves a similar level of visibility and impact. The comic book will be nominated for content appearing during the eligibility period, and can include an individual issue, a story arc, or a recurring LGBTQ character. Receives Award: Award is given to the comic book. Writer, artist, and/or editor may accept.

    Outstanding Original Graphic Novel/Anthology
    Given to an original graphic novel or an anthology of short stories appearing in the same book released by a mainstream publisher and its subsidiary labels. At GLAAD’s discretion, a graphic novel or anthology from another publisher may be nominated if the book achieves a similar level of visibility and impact. Trade paperbacks of previously published material are not eligible. Receives Award: Award is given to the original graphic novel or anthology. Writer, artist, and/or editor may accept.

    Outstanding Variety or Talk Show Episode
    Recognizes one episode of a daytime, primetime, or late night talk show which featured an outstanding discussion of LGBTQ issues. Multiple episodes of the same show may be nominated. A show must not have had any offensive episodes throughout the rest of the year. Receives Award:  Award is given to the episode.  Producer, host, and/or person(s) featured on the show may accept.

    Outstanding TV Journalism Segment
    Recognizes spot-news and short-form journalism by a local or national news outlet which is no longer than 20 minutes in length. This includes but is not limited to: nightly news story, morning show story, cable news segment or interview. Multiple episodes/segments of the same show may be nominated. Receives Award: Award is given to the segment. Producer, journalist, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding TV Journalism – Long-Form
    Recognizes long-form journalism by a local or national news outlet which is longer than 20 minutes in length. This includes but is not limited to: newsmagazine segment, stand-alone special or feature program, episode of news show. Multiple episodes/segments of the same show may be nominated. Receives Award: Award is given to the segment or entire show (if it’s a stand-alone feature program.) Producer, journalist, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding Live TV Journalism – Segment or Special
    Recognizes standout journalism content airing in a live format, by a local or national news outlet. This includes but is not limited to: live interviews, live segments, live breaking news coverage, live feature or live special programming. Content submitted for this category must have been broadcast to air live. Standalone live-to-tape or packaged content or pieces within a live program are not eligible, however a live special containing some packaged content or pieces, is eligible. Receives Award: Producer, journalist, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding Print Article
    Given to an individual article or series of related articles that were printed in a newspaper or magazine. More than one article from an individual newspaper or magazine may be nominated. Editorials are not eligible in this category. Receives Award: Award is given to the article. Journalist, editor, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage
    Given to a magazine for the quantity and quality of its digital and print coverage throughout the entire year. Receives Award: Award is given to the magazine. Publisher, editor, and/or prominent journalist may accept.

    Outstanding Online Journalism Article
    Given to an article or series of related articles that are exclusive to an online news site. Receives Award: Award is given to the article. Journalist, editor, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding Online Journalism – Video or Multimedia
    Given to a video, slide show, or other multimedia story that is exclusive to an online news site. Receives Award: Award is given to the multimedia piece. Journalist, executive producer, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Outstanding Independent Journalism (formerly Outstanding Blog)
    Recognizes a blog, newsletter or news site, based on the quality of its overall coverage throughout the year. Outlet must be independent, with a majority of content from a single contributor. Outlet may consist of original content and/or aggregated content with original commentary, posted in chronological order. Receives Award: Award is given to the independent media outlet. Primary contributor may accept. (Note: submission fees are waived in this category.)


    Outstanding Scripted Television Series
    Given to a series or novela which airs during daytime, primetime, or late-night hours. The series must feature a lead, supporting or recurring LGBTQ character. Award is given for content throughout the entire series. Receives Award:  Award is given to the series. Producer, writers, and/or actors may accept.

    Serie de Televisión con Guión Sobresaliente
    Esta categoría honra programas de televisión en Español y en servicios de streaming disponibles en EE.UU. Los candidatos de este año destacan elencos fuertes y protagonistas a través de todos los participantes, incluyendo excéntricas comedias familiares, comedias de acción, y emotivos relatos históricos de la violencia en contra de personas LGBTQ.
    Outstanding TV Journalism
    Recognizes spot-news, short-form or long-form journalism, including but not limited to: nightly news story, morning show story, cable news program, news talk segment, newsmagazine or TV interview. Multipart news segments may be nominated. If your piece is a stand-alone news program entirely focused on a particular LGBTQ topic or story, please submit for Special Recognition. Receives Award: Award is given to the segment. Producer, journalist, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.
    Periodismo Televisivo Sobresaliente
    Esta categoría da homenaje a programas de noticias en Español deportivos, periodismo en breve o largo disponible en EE.UU. reportaje nocturno, reportaje matutino, noticias por cable, programas con participación de los oyentes,  y entrevistas televisivas, entre otros formatos.
    Outstanding Online Journalism Article

    Given to an article or series of articles published online.  Receives Award: Award is given to the article. Journalist, editor, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.

    Artículo sobresaliente de periodismo digital
    Estos candidatos incluyen artículos publicados online y representan el emocionante potencial de las publicaciones digitales nuevas e innovadoras para alzar las expectativas con respecto al periodismo de vanguardia y el trato considerado de temas LGBTQ. El alcance e impacto de las historias publicadas en línea se siente globalmente, cambiando corazones, mentes, y política gubernamental.
    Outstanding Online Journalism – Video or Multimedia
    Given to a video, slide show, or other multimedia story that is exclusive to an online news site. Receives Award: Award is given to the multimedia piece. Journalist, executive producer, and/or persons featured in the story may accept.
    Periodismo digital sobresaliente: vídeo o multimedia
    Esta categoría incluye videos o historias multimedia exclusivos a una plataforma de noticias digital, y cuando se trata de periodismo en línea revolucionario, los candidatos de este año destacan perfiles originales y emocionantes de pioneros, íconos y héroes del día a día alrededor del mundo.
    Special Recognition
    Reconocimiento Especial
    La categoría de Reconocimiento Especial dan homenaje a programas que no caben dentro de nuestras cuatro categorías tradicionales.

    Contact Information

    Nomination and Submission Questions:
    [email protected]

    Media Requests:
    Anthony Ramos, Vice President of Communications & Talent
    [email protected]

    Corporate Partnerships and Ticketing:
    [email protected]

    stay tuned!