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Success generate the topo graph.
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xuhao1 committed Sep 7, 2022
1 parent 3b19163 commit 971d213
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Showing 6 changed files with 52 additions and 33 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,19 @@ rosbag play taichislam-realsense435.bag
roslaunch launch/taichislam-d435.launch show:=true

## Generation topology skeleton graph
This demo does not require ROS. Nvidia GPU is recommend for better performance.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python tests/
This shows the polyhedron

De-select the mesh in the options to show the skeleton

## Other demos
Running TaichiSLAM octomap demo (currently not working...)

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Binary file modified data/ri_tsdf.npy
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/topo_graph_gen.png
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Binary file added docs/topo_graph_gen_skeleton.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
68 changes: 37 additions & 31 deletions taichi_slam/mapping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ class Frontier:
next_node_initial: vec3f
is_valid : ti.i32
def init(self, frontier_idx, avg_center, outwards_unit_normal):
def init(self, master_idx, frontier_idx, avg_center, outwards_unit_normal):
self.master_idx = master_idx
self.frontier_idx = frontier_idx
self.avg_center = avg_center
self.outwards_unit_normal = outwards_unit_normal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,18 +114,20 @@ class MapNode:
end_facelet_idx: ti.i32
center: vec3f
idx: ti.i32
master_idx: ti.i32

def init(self, idx, start_facelet_idx, end_facelet_idx, center):
def init(self, idx, master_idx, start_facelet_idx, end_facelet_idx, center):
self.idx = idx
self.master_idx = master_idx
self.start_facelet_idx = start_facelet_idx
self.end_facelet_idx = end_facelet_idx = center

class TopoGraphGen:
mapping: BaseMap
def __init__(self, mapping: BaseMap, coll_det_num = 128, max_raycast_dist=2, max_facelets=64*1024,
def __init__(self, mapping: BaseMap, coll_det_num = 128, max_raycast_dist=2, max_facelets=1024*1024,
thres_size=0.5, transparent=0.7, transparent_frontier=0.6, frontier_creation_threshold=0.5, frontier_verify_threshold=0.5,
self.mapping = mapping
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +183,6 @@ def init_fields(self, max_facelets, coll_det_num, facelet_nh_search_queue_size=1
self.lines_color = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=max_facelets*3)
self.lines_num = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=())
self.lines_num[None] = 0

def generate_uniform_sample_points(self, npoints):
phi = np.pi * (3 - np.sqrt(5))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,14 +219,13 @@ def node_expansion_benchmark(self, start_pt, show=False, run_num=100):
self.generate_poly_on_blacks(start_pt, show)
print(f"avg gen convex cost time {(time.time()-s)*1000/run_num:.3f}ms")

def node_expansion(self, start_pt, show=False):
def node_expansion(self, start_pt, show=False, last_node_idx = -1):
self.start_point[None] = start_pt
if self.detect_collisions():
self.generate_poly_on_blacks(start_pt, show)
self.generate_poly_on_blacks(start_pt, show, last_node_idx)

def verify_frontier(self, frontier_idx: ti.i32) -> ti.i32:
# print("Verifing frontier...... center ", self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_center, )
normal = self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_normal
proj_center = self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_center + normal * ti.static(self.check_frontier_small_distance)
succ, t, col_pos, _len = self.raycast(proj_center, normal, self.frontier_verify_threshold*2)
Expand All @@ -233,16 +234,16 @@ def verify_frontier(self, frontier_idx: ti.i32) -> ti.i32:
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].is_valid = True
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].next_node_initial = self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_center + \
return self.frontiers[frontier_idx].is_valid

def generate_topo_graph(self, start_pt, max_nodes=100, show=False):
self.node_expansion(start_pt, show)
while self.search_frontiers_idx[None] < self.num_frontiers[None] and self.search_frontiers_idx[None] < max_nodes:
if self.verify_frontier(self.search_frontiers_idx[None]):
frontier = self.frontiers[self.search_frontiers_idx[None]]
print(f"expansion from frontier {self.search_frontiers_idx[None]}, pos :", frontier.next_node_initial)
self.node_expansion(frontier.next_node_initial, show)
# print(f"expansion from frontier {self.search_frontiers_idx[None]}, pos :", frontier.next_node_initial)
self.node_expansion(frontier.next_node_initial, show, last_node_idx=frontier.master_idx)
self.search_frontiers_idx[None] += 1

def generate_mesh_from_hull(self, hull, start_pt):
Expand All @@ -254,11 +255,11 @@ def generate_mesh_from_hull(self, hull, start_pt):
neighbors = hull.neighbors
return vertices[hull.simplices], neighbors

def generate_poly_on_blacks(self, start_pt, show=False):
def generate_poly_on_blacks(self, start_pt, show=False, last_node_idx=-1):
black_dirs = self.black_unit_list.to_numpy()[0:self.black_num[None]]
hull = ConvexHull(black_dirs)
mesh, neighbors = self.generate_mesh_from_hull(hull, start_pt)
self.add_mesh(mesh, neighbors)
self.add_mesh(mesh, neighbors, last_node_idx)
if show:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ def detect_facelet_frontier(self, facelet):
return is_frontier

def construct_frontier(self, idx_start_facelet):
def construct_frontier(self, node_idx, idx_start_facelet):
frontier_idx = ti.atomic_add(self.num_frontiers[None], 1)
# print("\nconstruct_frontier with ", self.facelet_nh_search_queue_size[None], " facelets")
center = ti.Vector([0., 0., 0.], ti.f32)
Expand All @@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ def construct_frontier(self, idx_start_facelet):
normal += self.facelets[facelet_idx].normal
center /= self.facelet_nh_search_queue_size[None]
normal = (normal/self.facelet_nh_search_queue_size[None]).normalized()
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].init(frontier_idx, center, normal)
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].init(node_idx, frontier_idx, center, normal)
#Now we raycast the center to facelets to find proj_center.
succ = False
t = 0.0
Expand All @@ -316,17 +317,17 @@ def construct_frontier(self, idx_start_facelet):
proj_center = center + t*normal
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_center = proj_center
self.frontiers[frontier_idx].projected_normal = projected_normal
self.add_line(proj_center, proj_center+projected_normal*0.5, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))

# self.add_line(proj_center, proj_center+projected_normal*0.5, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))
print("Failed to raycast center set facelets to different color", self.colormap[frontier_idx + 10])
for i in range(self.facelet_nh_search_queue_size[None]):
facelet_idx = self.facelet_nh_search_queue[i] + idx_start_facelet
for j in range(ti.static(3)):
self.tri_colors[facelet_idx*3 + j] = self.colormap[frontier_idx + 10]
# print("Failed to raycast center set facelets to different color: retract frontier", self.colormap[frontier_idx + 10])
# for i in range(self.facelet_nh_search_queue_size[None]):
# facelet_idx = self.facelet_nh_search_queue[i] + idx_start_facelet
# for j in range(ti.static(3)):
# self.tri_colors[facelet_idx*3 + j] = self.colormap[frontier_idx + 10]
self.num_frontiers[None] -= 1

def add_mesh(self, mesh: ti.types.ndarray(), neighbors:ti.types.ndarray()):
def add_mesh(self, mesh: ti.types.ndarray(), neighbors:ti.types.ndarray(), last_node_idx: ti.i32):
index_poly = self.num_polyhedron[None]
idx_start_facelet = self.num_facelets[None]
num_facelets = mesh.shape[0]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,8 +356,10 @@ def add_mesh(self, mesh: ti.types.ndarray(), neighbors:ti.types.ndarray()):
# self.tri_vertices[facelet_idx*3] = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# self.tri_vertices[facelet_idx*3+1] = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# self.tri_vertices[facelet_idx*3+2] = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
self.nodes[index_poly].init(index_poly, facelet_start_idx, facelet_start_idx + num_facelets, center_pos/center_count)
print("add map node", index_poly, "with ", num_facelets, " facelets center", self.nodes[index_poly].center)
new_node_center = center_pos/center_count
self.nodes[index_poly].init(index_poly, last_node_idx, facelet_start_idx, facelet_start_idx + num_facelets, center_pos/center_count)
if last_node_idx >= 0:
self.add_line(self.nodes[last_node_idx].center, new_node_center, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
#Construct facelet from neighbors relationship
for i in range(idx_start_facelet, idx_start_facelet+num_facelets):
Expand All @@ -381,7 +384,7 @@ def add_mesh(self, mesh: ti.types.ndarray(), neighbors:ti.types.ndarray()):
# print("neighbor", neighbors[_idx, j], "idx", idx_neighbor, "v0", self.facelets[idx_neighbor].v0, "v1", self.facelets[idx_neighbor].v1, "v2", self.facelets[idx_neighbor].v2)
# Now we can construct the frontier from these facelets
# It uses logs in facelet_nh_search_queue to find the facelets
self.construct_frontier(index_poly, idx_start_facelet)
self.num_polyhedron[None] = index_poly + 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,12 +417,15 @@ def detect_collision_facelets(self, pos, dir, max_dist:ti.f32):
succ = False
best_t = max_dist
best_poly_ind = -1
for i in range(self.num_facelets[None]):
_succ, t = self.facelets[i].rayTriangleIntersect(pos, dir)
if _succ and -0.01 < t < best_t:
best_t = t
best_poly_ind = self.facelets[i].poly_idx
succ = True
for k in range(self.num_polyhedron[None]):
poly = self.nodes[k]
if (pos - < max_dist + ti.static(self.max_raycast_dist):
for i in range(poly.start_facelet_idx, poly.end_facelet_idx):
_succ, t = self.facelets[i].rayTriangleIntersect(pos, dir)
if _succ and -0.01 < t < best_t:
best_t = t
best_poly_ind = self.facelets[i].poly_idx
succ = True
pos_poly = pos + dir*best_t
return succ, pos_poly, best_t, best_poly_ind

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ def test(mapping, start_pt, render: TaichiSLAMRender, run_num=100, enable_benchm
if enable_benchmark:
benchmark(mapping, start_pt, run_num)
topo = TopoGraphGen(mapping, max_raycast_dist=1.5)
topo.generate_topo_graph(start_pt, max_nodes=10000)
topo.generate_topo_graph(start_pt, max_nodes=100000)
render.set_mesh(topo.tri_vertices, topo.tri_colors, mesh_num=topo.num_facelets[None])
render.set_lines(topo.lines_show, topo.lines_color, num=topo.lines_num[None])

if __name__ == "__main__":
ti.init(arch=ti.cuda, offline_cache=False, device_memory_fraction=0.5)
densemap = DenseTSDF.loadMap(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../data/ri_tsdf.npy")
render = TaichiSLAMRender(1920, 1080)
Expand Down

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