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Version 1.10.4

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@tx00100xt tx00100xt released this 20 Dec 15:41
· 211 commits to main since this release

Fixes and additions:.

2022-11-30 - 2022-12-20

  • Added support Windows.
  • Added support FreeBSD.

Binaries Update for Windows (2022-12-24):

  • The WorldEditor (32-bit) and SeriousSkaStudio (32-bit / 64-bit) now works.

Binaries Update for x64 Platform and for Windows (2022-12-30):

  • Fixed incorrect x64 cpp-implementation of ASM code in lightmap (4f65f2e) (2941236)
  • The WorldEditor (64-bit) now works. (5c2cfcf)
  • Fixed levels load from subdirectory (for Windows). (47d95c3)

Binaries Update for Windows (2023-01-03):

  • Fixed macro redefinition in Float.cpp (Windows only bug).(7060d48)
  • Note:
    As a result of redefinition, objects inside the world are located incorrectly.
    For Windows, you need to use the definitions from the header which is in the SDK.

Binaries Update for Windows (2023-01-31):

  • Removed ForceModernHardwareGraphicsSettings() function for Windows (0f65477) (bd6d5a0)

Binaries Update (2023-02-04):

  • Fixing a bug with thunder, the sound of thunder and flashes on the level Hatshepsut. (d054df5)

Added compiled binaries for Elbrus-8C and Elbrus-8CB (2023-03-01):

  • Compiled using mtune=elbrus-8c and mtune=elbrus-8c2 respectively. On Elbrus Linux 7.1 with -O3 optimization.

Binaries Update for Linux (2023-03-24):

  • Added portable mode for command line (+portable). In portable mode, all user data is stored in the game directory.(7b5e7ea)

Added binaries for Alpine Linux and Raspberry PI OS (2023-04-14)

  • Binaries for Raspberry PI OS compatable with model Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4/400
  • The Raspberry Pi binaries in the archives are compiled using flags:
  • 32 bit version: (-O2 -pipe -march=armv8-a+crc -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfloat-abi=hard -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer)
  • 64 bit version: (-O2 -pipe -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer)
  • -mcpu=cortex-a53 flag added for Raspberry Pi 3, -mcpu=cortex-a72 flag added for Raspberry Pi 4.
  • The archives also contain libraries for Modification Alpha Remake and XPLUS.
  • The binary files for Raspberry Pi 3 tested on the QEMU machine in native emulation (-M raspi3b -cpu cortex-a53),
    including additions Alpha Remake and XPLUS.
  • Raspberry Pi 3 users need to delete "Levels/KarnakDemo.wld" and "Levels/DeathMatch/DesertTemple.wld" files
    before starting Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter to avoid running out of memory.
  • Note:
    The binaries for the Raspberry Pi 3 were compiled on a QEMU virtual machine running in native emulation mode.
    The binaries for the Raspberry Pi 4 were compiled using binfmt in QEMU USER mode with chroot into the Raspberry PI OS (armhf/arm64) guest.

Binaries Update for Linux (2023-05-24):

Known Issues:

  • There is no multiplayer compatibility between Windows and *nix systems.
  • For Raspberry Pi users:
    Known bugs and how to solve them.
  1. Game Serious Sam The Second Encounter freeze on the splash screen when you select New Game in the menu. The solution is to edit or create a new

file with the line

sam_strFirstLevel = "Levels\\LevelsMP\\1_1_Palenque.wld;
  1. Modification of Serios Sam Alpha Remake freeze on the splash screen at startup. The solution is to edit or create a new

file with the line

sam_strIntroLevel = "";


  • The archives contains compiled binary files for the games Serious Sam Classic TFE/TSE, including modification Xplus and Serious Sam Alpha Remake. The binary files in the SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.4-lnx-glibc-2.31-bin.tar.xz archive were made on a Debian 11 virtual machine, for use with a lower version of glibc. The binary files in the SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.4-lnx-glibc-2.37-bin.tar.xz archive were made on an Arch Linux virtual machine with glibc version 2.37. The binary files in the SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.4-bsd-2.36-bin.tar.xz archive were made on an FreeBSD 12.3 Release virtual machine.
  • Note: For Serious Sam Alpha Remake, use the latest update


SeriousSamClassicVK_v1.10.3-glibc-2.31-bin.tar.xz ( glibc >= 2.31, sdl2, vulkan, libvorbis, zlib, zenity, mangohud - optional)
SeriousSamClassicVK_v1.10.3-glibc-2.37-bin.tar.xz ( glibc >= 2.37, sdl2, vulkan, libvorbis, zlib, zenity, mangohud - optional)


Xplus TFE from Google Drive or Xplus TFE from pCloud, and unpack to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/Mods directory.
Xplus TSE from Google Drive or Xplus TSE from pCloud,, and unpack to SeriousSamClassic/SamTSE/Mods directory.
SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.7z archive and unpack to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/ directory.
You can also download the archive using curl or wget:


To start the modification, use the game menu - item Modification.


  • Don't forget to copy the SE1_10b.gro file from the sources to the SamTFE and SamTSE directories

deb and rpm packages to install on the system:

  • Ubuntu
    You can install packages from ppa by adding ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam to your system's Software Sources.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam
sudo apt update

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.


After adding ppa, run the commands:

sudo apt install  serioussam-vk serioussamse-vk serioussam-alpha serioussam-xplus serioussamse-xplus
  • Ready-made deb and rpm packages for installation into the system, containing executable game files and libraries, as well as XPLUS and Alpha Remake modification libraries for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Raspberry Pi OS and ALT Linux operating systems, you can download here: Serious Sam Packages