Just want to learn English or Chinese? Sign up for an account and super-charge your learning.
Transcrob.es is an implementation of the Meaningful IO hypothesis - that language is more about identity, more about learning a new way of being than it is about learning a theoretical set of rules. Learning the supposed rules can be useful for most people at some point but is definitely not "the point of learning a language". However, "learning the rules" is often the point of traditional, exam-focused language courses (like you might have to sit at high school or university, or for an internationally recognised qualification), which is very important for many learners at certain points in their learning journeys. The key practical difference between transcrobes
and other learning platforms is that exam-focused learning is just one possible goal, and the best way to learn is by creating synergies between all of the goals learners might have (pass year 10 exam, read the Harry Potter novels, watch all the My Little Pony series, learn the words of all the Metallica songs...).
⚠️ transcrobes
currently only supports learning simplified Mandarin Chinese for native/highly competent readers of English, or learning English for native/highly competent readers of Chinese. Other languages will follow.