Status: Expect regular updates and bug fixes.
Technical support:* [email protected]
TDcoSim (T & D co-simulation tool) is a Python package that can be used to perform co-simulations containing a transmission system simulator (TSS), multiple distribution system simulator (DSS) instances, and multiple solar PV-DER instances. It is capable of both static and dynamic co-simulations for power systems models containing hundreds of transmission buses, distribution feeder nodes, and DER's.
- Source code repository:
- User guide: Markdown, PDF, DOCX
- API Documentation: API doc
You can install tdcosim by running the following command on command line.
pip install git+
In the event you do not have git installed on your machine, you can alternatively run the following from command line.
pip install
After installation open a new command prompt and run the following to set psse path,
tdcosim setconfig -p "path\to\psse_installation"
For example, something similar to, tdcosim setconfig -p "C:\Program Files\PTI\PSSE35\35.0\PSSPY37"
The config.json file provided in the examples folder can be used to do a co-simulation after editing the path names (with any text editor). Then open a command line prompt and use the following commands to to run a co-simulation. Note that config_td.json could be replaced by the name of any other configuration file.
tdcosim run -c ".\examples\config_td.json"
To visualize the co-simulation results using the dashboard use the following commands. Note that .\dashboard\vizsample can be replaced with the folder containing the co-simulation results.
tdcosim dashboard -o ".\dashboard\vizsample"
Detailed documentation on running a co-simulation may be found within the user guide. Additional examples are available here.
Technical information on the package can be found here:
Please feel free to raise an issue for bugs or feature requests or reach out to [email protected].
Project PI:
- Karthikeyan Balasubramaniam [email protected] (September 2019 to present)
Core developers:
- Karthikeyan Balasubramaniam [email protected]
- Sang-il Yim [email protected]
- Siby Jose Plathottam [email protected]
Previous contributors:
- Ning Kang [email protected] (January 2018 to August 2019)
- Rojan Bhattarai [email protected]
We want to acknowledge Shrirang Abhyankar for his contributions to the code base development.
We would like to recognize the support of the EPRI technical team led by Roger Dugan and Davis Montenegro and the use of the EPRI OpenDSS open source software.
This project is supported by Ali Ghassemian and Dan Ton, U.S. DOE Office of Electricity, Advanced Grid Research and Development.
If you use this code please cite it as:
title = {Transmission and Distribution System Co-simulation Tool}: A co-simulation utility},
author = "{Karthikeyan Balasubramaniam, Sang-il Yim, Ning Kang}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = "",
year = 2019,
note = "[Online; accessed 23-August-2019]"
Copyright © 2019, UChicago Argonne, LLC
Transmission and Distribution System Co-simulation Tool (TDcoSim) is distributed under the terms of BSD-3 OSS License.