Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Easily deployable in one click as a Docker app, and customizable with a single config file. Quick and simple to implement as a primary search engine replacement on both desktop and mobile.
This ReadMe is stripped intentionally. Refer to: Benbusby/whoogle-search and benbusby#21 This fork will not be updated and is only to demonstrate how to change the Dockerfile for armv7.
git clone
#git clone (when PR#21 is implemented go back to original)
cd whoogle-search
#Change "FROM lsiobase/python:3.11" to "FROM lsiobase/python:arm32v7-3.11"
sed -i "1s/python:/python:arm32v7-/" Dockerfile
docker build --tag whooglesearch-armv7:1.0 .
docker run --publish 8888:5000 --detach --name whooglesearch whooglesearch-armv7:1.0
And kill with: docker rm --force whooglesearch
git clone
cd whoogle-search-armv7
docker build --tag whooglesearch-armv7:1.0 .
docker run --publish 8888:5000 --detach --name whooglesearch whooglesearch-armv7:1.0
And kill with: docker rm --force whooglesearch
version: '3.4'
ports: #Use when network_mode is not in use
- '8888:5000' # ^
container_name: whooglesearch
image: whooglesearch-armv7:1.0
- PUID=1000 #Otherwise config can't be changed?
- PGID=1000 #Otherwise config can't be changed?
- TZ=Europe/Berlin #optional
- UMASK_SET=022 #optional
# network_mode: container:NordVPN #optional
healthcheck: #optional
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""] #optional
interval: 1m #optional
timeout: 5s #optional
retries: 5 #optional
start_period: 15s #optional
restart: unless-stopped