This project is no longer actively maintained. If you are interested in this theme, it is recommended to use the new Astro version.
本项目已不再活跃维护,若对本主题感兴趣,建议使用新的 Astro 版本

💻Live Demo | 🌏中文 | ✨Astro Version (NEW)
A theme for Hexo, modified from Landscape. (Work in progress)
All the following commands should be executed in the root directory of your Hexo blog
Via npm (Recommended)
npm install hexo-theme-vivia
Via Git
# Clone the theme into the /themes/vivia directory
git clone themes/vivia
# Install the required dependencies
npm install stylus hexo-symbols-count-time
Copy the example configuration file to your Hexo blog's root directory:
- If you installed the theme via npm, the file is located at
. - If you installed via Git, the file is in
After copying, rename this file to _config.vivia.yml
Edit _config.vivia.yml
and make any desired customizations.
hexo config theme vivia
hexo new page about
Edit _config.yml
and add the following lines:
per_page: 0
Without this configuration, the archive page will only show up to ten articles at most.
- Light / dark mode
- Custom theme color
- Custom banner
- Responsive design
- Comments
- Valine
- Twikoo
- Others
- Search
- TOC widget