Compare file sizes on this branch to master
Add this to your project's Gruntfile.js
Then add "grunt-compare-size" to your package.json dependencies.
Then install the plugin with: npm install
The name to use in your own task definitions is compare_size
(with an underscore).
Add an entry to your Gruntfile.js's initConfig
object, which will define the files to measure the size of. The last file in the list will also be gzipped and measured.
compare_size: {
files: [
options: {
// Location of stored size data
cache: ".sizecache.json",
// Compressor label-function pairs
compress: {
gz: function( fileContents ) {
return require("gzip-js").zip( fileContents, {} ).length;
otherCompressorLabel: function( fileContents ) {
return compressedSize( fileContents );
To run a size comparison:
grunt compare_size
To get compressed comparisons of a single file:
grunt compare_size::<file>
To add a labeled measurement to the saved list of measurements:
grunt compare_size:add:<label>:...
To remove a labeled measurement:
grunt compare_size:remove:<label>:...
To view all saved measurements:
grunt compare_size:list
To clear out all saved measurements:
grunt compare_size:empty
To clear out all but some saved measurements:
grunt compare_size:prune:keep:alsoKeep:...
Run tests like:
# local grunt install
$ grunt
Copyright (c) 2012 Rick Waldron [email protected], Corey Frang [email protected], Richard Gibson [email protected], Mike Sherov [email protected] Licensed under the MIT license.