Command line tool to on-the-fly convert and view structured(JSON) log as regular flat line format. Jog supports follow mode like 'tail -f', as well as filtering by log level and time range.
Structured log, AKA. JSON line log, is great for log collectors but hard to read by developers themselves during local development. Jog helps to on-the-fly convert those structured JSON log to traditional flat line log. It then decreases the need to have environment-specific output formats - for ex. we don't need any more to configure JSON log for test / production but flat line log for local development.
Extra feature includes filtering by log level, by time ranage, helpful for daily local development as well.
Feature request is welcomed, for ex. new JSON log format. Submit issue for that please.
Support various of formats out-of-box and without customization. Verified includes (submit issue for new one):
- Logstash
- GOLANG Uber zap (
- Node.js Bunyan (
- Node.js Winston (
- Logrus
- AWS CloudWatch Logs
Follow mode like
tail -f
, with optional beginning from latest specified lines liketail -n
. (see example #1 and #2) -
Read from stdin (stream) or local file
Straightforward filtering:
- by log level (see example #6)
- by absolute time range (see example #7)
- by relative time range (see example #8)
- show surrounding logs
output the raw JSON but then able to apply filters (see example #9)
Support JSON log mixed with non-JSON text, includes:
- Mixed with regular flat log lines, for ex., springboot banner, and PM2 banner
- Extra non-JSON prefix, followed by JSON log, for ex., docker-compose multi-services log
Supports nested escaped JSON value (escaped by
) -
Compressed logger name - only first letters of package names are outputed
Print line number as line prefix
Customizable although usually you no need it. Run
jog -t
to export default configuration, or see ./static_files/DefaultConfiguration.yml- Output pattern
- Hightlight startup line
- Colorization
- Print unknown fields as 'others'
- For fields that not explictly in output pattern, print as 'others'
- Show/hide fields
A GOLANG application, so single across-platform executable binary, support Mac OSX, Windows, Linux.
Download the executable binary ( to $PATH.
Windows Download, copy it to your executable path
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/jog
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jog
- Mac OSX (x86_64)
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/jog
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jog
- Mac OSX (arm64)
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/jog
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jog
View a local JSON log file:
jog sample.log
Or follows begining from latest 20 lines:
jog -n 20 -f sample.log
Follow stdin stream, for ex. docker:
docker logs -f my.container | ./jog -n 20
Check full usage:
jog -h
Usage: jog [option...] <your JSON log file path> or <stdin stream> | jog [option...] Examples: 1) follow with last 10 lines: jog -f app-20200701-1.log 2) follow with specified lines: jog -n 100 -f app-20200701-1.log 3) with specified config file: jog -c another.jog.convert.yml app-20200701-1.log 4) view docker-compose log: docker-compose logs | jog 5) print the default template: jog -t 6) only shows WARN & ERROR level: jog -l warn -l error app-20200701-1.log 7) shows with timestamp range: jog --after 2020-7-1 --before 2020-7-3 app-20200701-1.log 8) natural timestamp range: jog --after "1 week" --before "2 days" app-20200701-1.log 9) output raw JSON and apply time range filter: jog --after "1 week" --before "2 days" app-20200701-1.log --json 10) disable colorization: jog -cs colorization=false app-20200701-1.log 11) view apache log, non-JSON log jog -g COMMONAPACHELOG example_logs/grok_apache.log") Options: -a, --after <timestamp> 'after' time filter. Auto-detect the timestamp format; can be natural datetime -b, --before <timestamp> 'before' time filter. Auto-detect the timestamp format; can be natural datetime -c, --config <config file path> Specify config YAML file path. The default is ./jog.convert.yaml or $HOME/.jog/jog.convert.yaml -cs, --config-set <config item path>=<config item value> Set value to specified config item -cg, --config-get <config item path> Get value to specified config item -d, --debug Print more error detail -f, --follow Follow mode - follow log output -g, --grok <grok pattern name> For non-json log line. The default patterns are saved in [~/.jog/grok_vjeantet, ~/.jog/grok_extended] -j, --json Output the raw JSON but then able to apply filters -h, --help Display this information -l, --level <level value> Filter by log level. For ex. --level warn -n, --lines <number of tail lines> Number of tail lines. 10 by default, for follow mode --reset-grok-library-dir Save default GROK patterns to [~/.jog/grok_vjeantet, ~/.jog/grok_extended] -t, --template Print a configuration YAML file template -V, --version Display app version information
- Install GOLANG version >= 1.16
- Install
- goreportcard-cli
- gometalinter
- go install[email protected]
- go install[email protected]
- In current directory, run
Not yet ready for first release, still keep refactoring and fixing and adding new features. I create pre-release even for single bug fix or small feature. I won't test much before version 1.0 is ready. Just feel free to use it since it wouldn't affect something.
- version 1.0 TODO
- unit test coverage: >= 80%
- manual test suite
- aggregate Kubernetes Pods logs