Repository contents won't be updated and issues/discussions won't be monitored.
We decided to continue to develop po8klasie respectively in:
🇵🇱 Prawdopodobnie najprostsza i najszybsza wyszukiwarka szkół średnich.
Wkrótce produkcyjnie dostępna dla wszystkich!
🇬🇧 Probably the simplest and fastest high schools lookup service.
Soon available in production for everyone!
If you want to contribute to po8klasie, please read our contribution guide.
NOTE: This project relies on Next.js Framework.
- Clone this repo ⬇️
git clone
In root directory of the project, create
file with specified environmental variables (see below) 📄 -
Install dependencies using yarn 📦
- Run the project 🚀
yarn start
- Make some changes and submit pull request 🎉
NOTE: Before submitting a pull request, please read our contribution guidelines.
Name | Required | Description |
✔️ | Url where the API is hosted (do NOT include a trailing slash) |
❌ | e.g. production , test . It's used by Sentry and displayed in the footer. |
❌ | e.g. docker image tag. It's used by Sentry and displayed in the footer. |
❌ | Mapbox access token. If it's not specified, Open Street Map tiles are load. |
❌ | Sentry DSN. If it's not specified, Sentry client is not initialized. |
❌ | Posthog API key. If it's not specified, Posthog Analytics client is not initialized. |
NOTE: If you don't want to spin up local API server, for development purposes use
Available linter/formatter commands:
yarn lint:check
yarn format:check
yarn lint:fix
yarn format:write
If you want to develop front-end only, you are good to go! Just insert URL of the API server in .env
Docs on how to develop front-end simultaneously with back-end locally coming soon!
You can find detailed guide of how to set up po8klasie for production use in our infra repo.
- To learn more about Next.js Framework, go to Next.js website.
- To learn React, check out the React documentation.
This is a civic tech and open-source project crafted by volunteers. Core team members are listed on website.
Our partners: