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Remote Console HowTo

Alex Peterson edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 1 revision

The Open 3D Engine includes a Python module for communicating with the client or server runtime while it is running. This is especially useful for controlling servers and development on external devices like mobile, vr and consoles.

Use the O3DE Python REPL to connect to a game launcher and issue commands

To use the remote console module in the O3DE Python REPL,

  1. Start up your game client or launcher
  2. Open a command window or terminal
  3. Navigate to where O3DE is installed
  4. Run the O3DE Python.cmd to start Python and use the RemoteConsole object.
c:\o3de > python\python.cmd
Python 3.10.5 (tags/v3.10.5-dirty:f377153, Jul 23 2022, 05:17:26) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ly_remote_console.remote_console_commands as remote_console_commands
>>> console = remote_console_commands.RemoteConsole(addr='',port=4600)
>>> console.start()
>>> console.send_command('loadlevel defaultlevel')
>>> console.send_command('r_displayinfo 2')
>>> console.stop()

The RemoteConsole object takes an addr parameter which should be the IP address of your client or server launcher. The default port is 4600. Use the send_command message to send commands to the server.

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