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Neva Programming Language

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⚠️ WARNING: This project is under active development and not yet production-ready!

🤔 What Is Nevalang?

Nevalang is a new kind of programming language where instead of writing step-by-step instructions, you create networks where data flows between nodes as immutable messages, with everything running in parallel by default. After type-checking, your program is compiled into machine code and can be distributed as a single executable with zero dependencies.

Neva excels at stream processing and concurrency while remaining simple and enjoyable for general development. Future updates will add visual programming and Go interop to enable gradual adoption.

Why Yet Another Programming Language?

We created it because we saw a gap in the programming language landscape:

  1. Visual Programming Done Right - existing visual tools are limited to specific domains or lack the power of traditional programming languages. Neva is designed from the ground up to be a hybrid visual/textual programming language.
  2. Simple Parallelism - Most languages treat concurrency as an advanced feature. In Neva, parallelism is the default and it prevents issues like data races.
  3. Modern Developer Experience - We combine best ideas from modern languages with dataflow paradigm to make programming easy and fun.

Finally, exploring new programming paradigms helps advance the field by discovering what works and what doesn't!

👋 Hello, World!

import { fmt }

def Main(start any) (stop any) {
	println fmt.Println<string>
	panic Panic
	:start -> 'Hello, World!' -> println
	println:err -> panic
	println:res -> :stop

What's happening here:

  • import { fmt } loads fmt package for printing
  • def Main(start any) (stop any) {...} defines component with input port start and output port stop, both of type any (it's safe since they used as signals)
  • println fmt.Println<string> defines a node, instance of fmt.Println
  • panic Panic defines another node to crash the program
  • :start -> 'Hello, World!' -> println defines a connection that sends the string to println when the program starts
  • println:err -> panic handles the possible error by crashing the program
  • println:res -> :stop terminates the program after successful printing

Runtime sends a message to Main:start at startup and waits for Main:stop to terminate

🔥 Features

  • Dataflow Programming - Write programs as message-passing graphs
  • Implicit Parallelism - Everything is parallel by default, no async-await/threads/goroutines/etc.
  • Strong Static Typing - Robust type system with generics and pattern-matching
  • Machine Code Compilation - Compile for any Go-supported platform, including WASM
  • Stream Processing - Handle real-time data with streams as first class citizens
  • Advanced Error Handling - Errors as values with ? operator to avoid boilerplate
  • Functional Patterns - Immutability and higher-order components
  • Dependency Injection - Modularity with interfaces and DI
  • Minimal Core - Simple language with limited abstractions
  • Package Manager - Publish packages by pushing a git-tag
  • Garbage Collection - Automatic memory management using Go's low-latency GC
  • Visual Programming (WIP): Edit programs as visual graphs
  • Go Interoperability (WIP): Call Go from Neva and Neva from Go
  • NextGen Debugging (WIP): Observe execution in realtime and intercept messages on the fly

🧐 Why Use Neva?

Let's compare Neva with Go. We could compare it to any language but Go is a simple reference since Neva is written in Go.

Feature Neva Go
Paradigm Dataflow - nodes send and receive messages through connections Control flow - execution moves through instructions step by step
Concurrency Implicit - everything is concurrent by default Explicit - goroutines, channels, and mutexes
Error Handling Errors as values with ? operator to avoid boilerplate Errors as values with if err != nil {} boilerplate
Mutability Immutable - no variables and pointers; data races are not possible Mutable - variables and pointers; programmer must avoid data races
Null Safety Yes - nil pointer dereference is impossible No - nil pointer dereference is possible
Zero Values No zero values - everything must be explicitly initialized Zero values by default - everything can be initialized implicitly
Subtyping Structural - types are equal by their shape Nominal - types are equal by their name
Traceback Automatic - every message traces its path Manual - programmer must explicitly wrap every error to add context
Dependency Injection Built-in - any component with dependency expects injection Manual - programmer must create constructor function that takes dependencies
Stream Processing Native support with components like Map/Filter/Reduce Programmer must manually implement dataflow patterns with goroutines and channels

🏭 Architecture

This is a high-level overview. For a more detailed overview of the architecture, please see

flowchart LR
  source_code-->compiler-->|go_code| go_compiler

  subgraph compiler


Nevalang compiles to dependency-free, human-readable Go code that uses goroutines and channels for message-passing with parallelism. The Go compiler then produces optimized platform-specific code for any supported platform. This approach gives our programs access to Go's production-grade runtime with an advanced scheduler, garbage collector, and battle-tested standard library. We stand on the shoulders of giants.

⭐️ Star History

Star History Chart

💭 What's Next?

ℹ️ We take development seriously but have limited time to keep everything current. Feel free to reach out on our social platforms with any questions!


This is an ambitious project maintained by a small group of enthusiasts. Your support by joining us will show interest and motivate us to continue.

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  1. See contributing and architecture
  2. Check out roadmap and kanban-board
  3. Also please read our CoC
  4. Join discord server


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