IIS Continuous Integration/Deployment from Git, TFS & Visual Studio Online Source Control.
- TFS/Git Integration (without TFS/Git installation on server, You still need to purchase TFS CAL from Microsoft)
- Downloads only modified source
- XDT Support for web.config at root folder
- Web Hook to automatically fetch-build-deploy
- Email notification after fetch-build-deploy (smtp delivery should be configured in web.config)
Ready to use as basic deployment controller.
- Project Kudu has dependency on Git and Node, both are typically not part of .NET development workflow.
- Besides Kudu creates kudu services website for each hosted website, IIS with 100s of sites are difficult to recreate and redeploy using kudu.
- Kudu does not work with TFS.
- IIS-CI needs to be installed only once per server, and config file can manage access rights.
You can use Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 to build from source code and deploy generated files in IIS.
- Create a website in IIS, make sure Windows Authentication is enabled with NTLM being first provider.
- Enable Anonymous Authentication for Triggers to work.
- Set LocalSystem as Application Pool Identity.
- Download and Install MSBuild 2015
- Open the website, you will see list of IIS sites with config and build options.
- You can configure the source type as Git or TFS, Git should use https transport only.
- Enter username/passwords for remote Git or TFS
- Specify Solution Path as relative path of .sln file within the source code without front slash.
- Specify Web Project Path as relative path of .sln file within the source code without front slash.
- Add AppSettings you would want to overwrite after deployment.
- Add ConnectionStrings you would want to overwrite after deployment.
- Add custom XDT to transform Web.config before deploy
- After config is saved correctly, click on Build link.