This project involves designing a multi-node Kafka cluster for handling metrics and logs from a cluster of 10 servers and a load balancer. The goal is to process and store metrics and logs effectively using Kafka, a relational database, and Hadoop. The system architecture includes:
10 Servers: Each with an agent to send resource consumption metrics.
Load Balancer: Equipped with an agent to send log data.
Kafka Cluster: To handle the incoming data.
Relational Database(Postgres): For storing metrics.
Spark Application: To process logs and calculate moving window counts.
1-Docker set up: Go to Docker Directory and download all files in it then run:
docker-compose up -d
also download src directory keeping it hierarchy and pom.xml file
2- Access Maven for producer:
docker exec -it custom_app /bin/bash
mvn clean install
then mvn exec:java
3- See the topic that it has been created:
you First Accsess the kafka
docker exec -it kafka1 /bin/bash
and then you will verify the topics that has been created with these commands --list --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092
it suppose to give you :
test-topic3 #this for logs
test-topic4 #this for metrices
4- running the log consumer
docker exec -it spark-master /spark/bin/spark-submit \
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.0 \
and then you can access the hdfs on namenode url http://localhost:9870
5- running the metrices consumer
docker exec -it spark-master /bin/bash
and then run the metrices consumer
python /app/