Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim. It’s easy for your eyes and designed to keep you in the zone for long programming sessions.
Zenburn has been ported to many different editors and environments. For more information visit http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage A list of derivatives is below.
- dayglo vomit
- black, red, blue and green on screaming white background
- headache
- watery, squinting eyes
- the "I wanna run away" feeling
- alien fruit salad
- harmonious colors help with concentration
- improved focus
- stay longer in the zone
- more productivity
- looks good
- 256-color terminal mode
- GVim mode
- customizeable
- etc.
To use Zenburn in GVim, simply copy the file to colors/ subdirectory under your Vim configuration folder (e.g. ~/.vim/colors or C:\vim\colors).
To use Zenburn in Vim, you must enable the 256-color mode for Vim. This can be done with e.g. export TERM=xterm-256color. You might also need to add set t_Co=256 into your .vimrc file, before loading the colorscheme. Note, that due to limitations of the 256-color mode the color scheme is not exactly like it appears in GVim, but very close nevertheless.
To load Zenburn in Vim/GVim:
:colors zenburn
To automatically load the colors upon startup of Vim, add this to .vimrc:
colors zenburn
GNU GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Captain Obvious says: make a symlink from ~/.vim/colors/zenburn.vim which points to the real zenburn.vim. This way you don't need to copy files around and making the Vimball is easy!
To make a Vimball, open zb-vimball.txt and then :MkVimball zenburn.vba
- Creators of "BlackDust", "Camo" and "Desert" themes. I used those to figure out how the Vim color schemes work in practise.
- All contributors - see zenburn.vim for a list.
- All people who made derivatives and ports.
- All zenburners worldwide!
Thank you for enjoying “Just some alien fruit salad to keep you in the zone”!
Cheers, slinky at iki dot fi
This repo now archives many of the different ports, variants and colourscheme files for the Zenburn theme posted to the original comment thread. @mildlydiverting pulled these together for @jnurmine.
zenburn-vim - @jnurmine's original Vim scheme.
ports - themes and scheme files are organised within subfolders by the parent app they're designed for
colours - contains html tables, excel files, palettes for design apps etc with hex and rgb colour codes. This includes dumps of the old deleted wikipedia tables describing the scheme.
Links to all sources for ports follow below.
If repos already exist, they have not been cloned in to this one.
For some gists and smaller files, copies have been archived in to this repo.
Files just availabile as downloads from other sites have been archived here.
Instructions or original blog posts about the ports are generally saved as a text file in the relevant folder.
TODO - put text files with sources / credits / license conditions in each folder.
TODO - add any more ports
- http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/ OFFICIAL ZENBURN PAGE
- https://github.com/jnurmine/Zenburn VIM theme Github Repo
- http://slinky.imukuppi.org/2006/10/31/just-some-alien-fruit-salad-to-keep-you-in-the-zone/ The original VIM scheme page
- http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=415 Vim Sourceforge Files
- http://deletionpedia.dbatley.com/w/index.php?title=Zenburn Deletionpedia Reference Page
- https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfpbqnc7_15c6gkg97h Google Doc of colour reference (may break soon as Google Docs format changes 2012-05-12)
- https://github.com/bergie/subethaedit-zenburn SubEthaEdit (also Mac Terminal, and a .clr file)
- https://gist.github.com/1422472 Gnome Terminal
- https://gist.github.com/1259056 Fossil
- https://github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs Emacs
- https://github.com/dbrock/zenburn-el GNU Emacs
- https://github.com/djcb/elisp/blob/master/themes/zenburn-theme.el Emacs EL Elisp
- https://bitbucket.org/trovao/configs/src/tip/mutt-zenburn/dotmuttrc Mutt
- https://github.com/moleculezz/eclipse-zenburn Eclipse
- http://svn.tuxfamily.org/viewvc.cgi/notepadplus_repository/trunk/PowerEditor/installer/themes/Zenburn.xml?revision=602&view=markup Notepad++ (now bundled)
- http://github.com/mnem/fb-zenburnish FlashBuilder4
- https://github.com/negativefix/zenburn PhpStorm and WebStorm
- https://github.com/baskerville/iTerm-2-Color-Themes iTerm2
- https://github.com/filmgirl/TextMate-Themes/blob/master/zenburn.tmTheme TextMate theme
- https://github.com/colinta/zenburn TextMate theme
- https://github.com/smlombardi/zenburn TextMate - recent fork
- https://github.com/an0/Zenburn-for-Xcode Xcode 4
From: http://sysphere.org/~anrxc/j/articles/zenburn/index.html - Adrian C. (anrxc) http://sysphere.org/~anrxc/j/archives/2009/03/08/zenburn_color_scheme/index.html
- http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Zenburn_Theme Awesome theme
- http://git.sysphere.org/awesome-configs/tree/icons Icons for theme
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/pinerc Alpine / Pine RC
- http://sysphere.org/gallery/alpine-zenburn Alipne Screenshots
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/zshrc Shell init file
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/vimperator/colors/zenburn.vimp Vimperator
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/config/roxterm.sourceforge.net/Colours/Zenburn RoxTerm
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/purple/gtkrc-2.0 Pidgin
- https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=782433 Gajim
- http://sysphere.org/~anrxc/local/sources/color-theme-zenburn-orgmode.patch Emacs with Orgmode Patch
- http://git.sysphere.org/dotfiles/tree/Xdefaults Xdefaults for various apps within this file.
Most of the following are traced from the comments on the original article. If any of these are wrongly named, blame @mildlydiverting (or ask her to change this)
http://dotfiles.org/~jbromley/.Xresources Terminals/Emacs urxvt .Xresources
http://emacs-fu.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/porting-zenburn-theme-to-emacs-24.html Emacs 24
http://twinside.free.fr/dotProject/?p=125 Windows CMD
http://mavis.anu.edu.au/ubuntu/zenburn-gnome-terminal/ Gnome Terminal (404)
http://theelitist.net/customized-zenburn-palette-for-gnome-terminal Gnome Terminal
http://www.mesimian.com/zenburn-color-theme-for-gnome-terminal/ Gnome Terminal
http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/zenburn+-+eye-gentle+Kate+color+scheme?content=66209 KDE3 zenburn - eye-gentle Kate color scheme 0.1
http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Zenburn?content=78681 KDE3 Zenburn 1.2 KDE Color Scheme
http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KDE+4+for+Yakuake?content=78655 KDE 4 for Yakuake 1.0
http://vemod.net/zenburn-for-konsole KDE Konsole 1.6
http://usrlocalbin.blogspot.co.uk/2008/04/zenburn-for-konsole-redux.html KDE4 Konsole 2
http://www.phacks.net/zenburn-colorscheme-for-komodo-edit_ide/ KomodoEdit IDE
http://blog.edwards-research.com/2009/11/color-schemes-for-eclipse-cdt-4/ eclipseCDT
http://slinky.imukuppi.org/2009/06/21/zenburn-for-easyeclipse-for-python-131/ Easy eclipse for python (instructions)
https://gist.github.com/748084 Zenburn theme for PyDev editor under Eclipse Helios
http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=theme&id=2 Eclipse Colour Themes
http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Themes/ TextMate bundled theme
http://echonull.colinta.com/null/you-probably-googled-zenburn-textmate/ (or repo above) TextMate - alternative theme
http://bergie.iki.fi/blog/zenburn_colors_for_php_editing_in_subethaedit/ SubEthaEdit info (Also works for Coda)
http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2006/09/is-your-ide-hot-or-not.html VisualStudio2005
http://writebypen.blogspot.co.uk/2010/01/color-scheme-for-visual-studio-zenburn.html VisualStudio
http://studiostyl.es/schemes/zenburn-2010 VisualStudio, C# / HTML/ASP.Net/CSS/JS / Razor / XML / XAML
http://ijin.net/misc/ZenburnConsolasVS2008.vssettings Visual Studio 2008
http://forums.netbeans.org/topic29869.html Netbeans (404?)
http://slinky.imukuppi.org/2009/07/25/zenburn-for-scite-v178/ SciTE v. 1.78.
http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburn/Zenburn.gpl Gimp Palette
http://elijahr.blogspot.co.uk/2008/12/zenburn-blogger-template-with-syntax.html Blogger template
http://userstyles.org/styles/1603/dark-zenburn-global-style UserStyle for Firefox/Stylish
http://noiseandheat.com/blog/2010/01/fb-zenburnish-a-zenburn-inspired-colour-scheme-for-flashbuilder-4/ FlashBuilder4
http://itlivewire.com/devblog/2010/02/04/zenburn-dreamweaver/ Dreamweaver
http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2648 DarkBurn
http://www.tllilleh.com/Software/ZenburnPluginForEpsilon Epsilon
http://mgep.ath.cx/zenburn.xml QTCreator
http://www.billzajac.com/wordpress/articles/2010/12/28/windows-is-nicer-with-mintty/ Mintty
http://www.box.com/shared/dnj42nqyow EmEditor
Credit duly given to all of the port authors. Thanks chaps!
Whilst the original Zenburn is released under the GPL, please check any licensing conditions of ports, just in case.