Kafka, Zookeeper and maven (in order to compile Kafka Connect connectors) in a single Docker
Nothing else is needed to run a single Kafka broker.
Move only 'body' parts of the messages from RabbitMQ to Kafka topic. Optional step - read messages from kafka topic and display them on your terminal screen.
Step-by-step guide
Copy config files from /sample_config
directory to your /host/volume
. Adjust settings to meet your needs. Don't forget to set advertised.host.name
at the bottom of the server.properties
Run docker with config files from your /host/volume
docker run -dt -v /host/volume:/opt/kafka_2.11- --name my_kafka -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 lmurawsk/kafka:10.2
Log in to the container:
docker exec -it my_kafka bash
Go to Kafka home directory:
Start RabbitMQ connector (thanks to https://github.com/jcustenborder/kafka-connect-rabbitmq):
./bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/RabbitMQSourceConnector.properties
To display those messages in you console, start a consumer:
./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic topic_name --from-beginning
For more details ragarding Kafka docker parameters please refer to the spotify repo: https://github.com/spotify/docker-kafka