DbFace is a super easy reports and dashboards builder for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB databases.
You can also make your own API Connector to make DbFace work with any application data sources.
DbFace connects to your database and pull down data from it and show you chart reports, dashboards, storyboards.
This repository helps you install DbFace in docker container.
Please get more information from:
- Website: https://www.dbface.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbface
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/dbface
- Documentation: https://www.dbface.com/documents/
- Manual Installation: https://www.dbface.com/download-dbface
We also provide on-demand version, please follow the page below to get more information: https://www.dbface.com/pricing
You should already have the docker environment. If not, please refer this page to install Docker : https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/#installation
sudo docker pull dbface/dbface-docker
sudo docker run -d --name dbface -p 8080:80 -t dbface/dbface-docker
If you are on windows, find your docker IP
docker-machine ip default
This should output your service IP, it might be:
Now you can access your app via
If you have any problems or questions about this image, please feel free to drop us a mail: [email protected] or post a new discussion on our forum: https://www.dbface.com/forum
You can also open a new ticket : https://www.dbface.com/ticket/