I am James Raphael Tiovalen. Just trying my best in making a ✨ better ✨ world through multidisciplinary 💻 technology 💻. Seeking to build 🛠️, tinker ⚙️, improve 📈, explore 🏕️, nurture 😇, love ❤️, advise 📙, learn 📚, ponder 🤔, teach 🧑, edify 🙌, serve 💁, inspire 💡 and just have fun 🎉!
- 💬 Ask me about anything!
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns:
Currently attempting to reverse-engineer the source code of reality.
Here to make a better world for everyone.
Hoping for the day when humanity finally switches from Versus mode to Co-Op mode.
Dabbling in bitmancy every now and then.
A sucker for deep lore.