iWF will make you a 10x developer!
iWF is an API orchestration platform for building resilient, fault-tolerant, scalable long-running applications. It offers an orchestration coding framework with abstractions for durable timers, async/background execution with backoff retry, KV storage, RPC, and message queues. You will build long-running reliable processes faster than ever.
- SAGA pattern
- User sign-up/registry in Python/Java
- Abstracted microservice orchestration in Java/Golang
- Employer & JobSeeker engagement in Java or Golang
- Subscription Workflow in Java or Golang
See more in iWF wiki.
As a coding framework, iWF provides three SDKs to use with:
- iWF Java SDK and samples
- iWF Golang SDK and samples
- iWF Python SDK and samples
The iWF SDKs required a server to run against. See below options to run the server locally. See iWF wiki for production
This is the simplest option to run the server locally for development.
Run the docker command to start the container for:
- IWF service: http://localhost:8801/
- Temporal WebUI: http://localhost:8233/
- Temporal service: localhost:7233
docker pull iworkflowio/iwf-server-lite:latest && docker run -p 8801:8801 -p 7233:7233 -p 8233:8233 -e AUTO_FIX_WORKER_URL=host.docker.internal --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it iworkflowio/iwf-server-lite:latest
This option runs Temporal in separate container with slightly more power (more search attributes allowed).
Checkout this repo, and run:
docker pull iworkflowio/iwf-server:latest && docker-compose -f ./docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up
This by default will run Temporal server with it, again:
- IWF service: http://localhost:8801/
- Temporal WebUI: http://localhost:8233/
- Temporal service: localhost:7233
You can also post in our Discussion, or raise an issue.
Check out our CONTRIBUTING page.
- Why I created Indeed Workflow Engine
- Durable Timers in Indeed Workflow Engine
- Cadence community spotlights
- iWF is an abstracted Temporal framework. Same for Cadence.
- How ContinueAsNew is built in iWF