📚 Been studying Machine Learning & Data Science in 🇮🇹, 🇸🇪, 🇸🇬 & 🇦🇺;
🌱 Learning all about AI and open source;
🔭 Currently working on the Sole.jl AI framework in Julia;
🤝 Looking to collaborate on innovative AI projects
⚡ Checkout my website, my
LinkedIn or my CV.
📦 Julia Packages ┣━━ Sole.jl - framework for symbolic modeling and learning ┣━━ SoleLogics.jl - model checking engine ┣━━ SoleModels.jl - analysis and rule extraction from symbolic models ┣━━ SoleData.jl - optimized data structures for learning symbolic models ┗━━ ModalDecisionTrees.jl - CART-like learning of trees and forests based on modal logic 🎙️ Talks ┣━━ Symbolic AI workflows with Sole.jl (JuliaCon2024) ┣━━ Third Millennium Symbolic Learning with Sole.jl (JuliaCon2023) ┗━━ Decision Trees, Meet Modal Logics (JuliaCon2022)