Convert an OpenMC mesh tally to a VTK file with optional unit conversion
pip install openmc-mesh-tally-to-vtk
The package can be used in conjunction with OpenMC to produce a VTK file of a openmc.RegularMesh
The simplest example is to read in an OpenMC tally and write it out as a VTK file which can then be opened with programs like Paraview.
from openmc_mesh_tally_to_vtk import write_mesh_tally_to_vtk
import openmc
# assumes you have a statepoint file from the OpenMC simulation
statepoint = openmc.StatePoint('statepoint.3.h5')
# assumes the statepoint file has a RegularMesh tally with a certain name
my_tally = statepoint.get_tally(name='tally_on_regular_mesh')
# converts the tally result into a VTK file
filename = "vtk_file_from_openmc_mesh.vtk",
This package is based on a GitHub Gist by by Patrick Shriwise