- 😄 Pronouns: He, Him, His
- 🔭 I’m currently working on OpenSource Platform Improvements over at HBO Codelabs and WarnerMedia- Come Join Us!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to be a better agent of change
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything OpenAPI - hit me up!
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with communicating best practices with upper leadership - please connect with me!
- 💬 Ask me about careers in computer-science, data science, and OpenSource communication
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Send me an email @ [email protected]
- Peruse my my webpage 👀
- Schedule time with me via Calendly
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Or connect with me in my socials below 👍🏾
I graduated with my B.S. in Computer Science in 2015, followed by my M.S. in 2016. As for my future career endeavors, I am seeking to narrow my focus to the data sciences, data visualization, augmented reality, and IoT-based data processing/servicing. My career prospects include general applications development, VR/augmented reality development, software architecting, and systems design/development.
I am an avid programmer and enjoy the challenges brought to me by Java, PHP, golang, React, and dotnet core/c#. I also enjoy pairing this technology with the latest UI technology, including React and Redux, TypeScript, and many CSS flavors. This comes with the responsibility of writing well-tested code while ensuring my comments rely on something other than complete application knowledge. I am also a team player, ensuring the production of well-written and responsive code reviews, reducing communication friction between other developers, my manager, and myself, and ensuring all tasks are completed rigorously, competently, and with attention to detail.
But alas, I am not a simple engineer - I have plenty of passions to keep me busy! I would speak more to this, but the real estate here is limited! Outside of software development, I also love the outdoors, doing activities ranging from mountain biking and hiking to soccer and golf. As a photographer, I invite you to stalk and follow me on Flickr.
I will always put at least 100% of myself into anything I do; I will always strive to maximize my potential. Life is far too short for taking one's time.