.NET Full Stack Developer | Cricketer | Passionate about building open source projects.
I'm the creator of Twitter Bots - [@AzureDevOpsBot](https://twitter.com/azuredevopsbot) & [@AspNetCoreBot](https://twitter.com/aspnetcorebot)
🔭 I’m currently working on projects - TheOpeningBatmsan - My Personal Blog | MERN stack app for sharing code snippets & code tricks
🌱 I’m currently learning the MERN stack | #no-code tools | Blazor | AWS | Azure DevOps
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ReactJS, Blazor, .NET Core projects.
🤔 I’m looking for help with supporting my open source projects.
⚡ Fun fact: A cricketer by heart & a developer by mistake.
Languages and Tools: