factory for fbi factory development
This is a factory for fbi v4.
node v10+
npx fbi create @fbi-js/factory-factory
: template for fbi factory development
: watching for file changes (typescript only)fbi w
: build for production (typescript only)fbi b
Build your own factory-factory
based on @fbi-js/factory-factory
Create a project
npx fbi create @fbi-js/factory-factory
npm i @fbi-js/factory-factory
Create and modify files
// src/index.ts
import FactoryBase from '@fbi-js/factory-factory'
import CommandX from './commands/my-command'
import TemplateX from './templates/my-template'
const { name, description } = require('../package.json')
export default class FactoryCool extends FactoryBase {
id = name
description = description
// 1. replace default commands
commands = [new CommandX(this)]
templates = [new TemplateX(this)]
constructor() {
// 2. OR: extends default commands
// this.commands.push(new CommandX(this))
// this.templates.push(new TemplateX(this))
Compile ts files
yarn build
fbi link
fbi create
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Thank you to all the people who already contributed to fbi factory!
Licensed under MIT.