A flexible parametric FEA library based on FreeCAD, currently supporting FreeCAD 0.20 on Windows.
If you have 20 minutes I recommend the video tutorial on the @engineeringmaths Youtube channel.
Warning: this project is very early release, and should not be used for any serious structural analysis. It is aimed at hobbyists and makers
Create a Python 3.8 virtual environment:
pipenv --python 3.8
Install the latest version from pypi:
pipenv install freecadparametricfea
then run any of the examples inside the examples folder
Create a FreeCAD part and assign names to the constraints that you want to change. You need to set up a FEA analysis as well, I have tested this using CalculiX and Netgen.
Then in a script, or on the command line, run:
from FreecadParametricFEA import parametric
import numpy as np
# initialise a parametric FEA object
fea = parametric()
# load the FreeCAD model
# list the parameters to sweep:
"object_name": "CutsSketch", # the object where to find the constraint
"constraint_name": "NotchDistance", # the constraint name that you assigned
"constraint_values": np.linspace(10, 30, 5), # the values you want to check
"object_name": "CutsSketch",
"constraint_name": "NotchDiam",
"constraint_values": np.linspace(5, 9, 5),
# run and save the results (will return a Pandas DataFrame)
results = fea.run_parametric()
# plot the results
The default is to export the max Von Mises stress and max displacement values. You can also specify your own values and data reduction function like this:
"output_var": "vonMises",
"reduction_fun": np.median,
"output_var": "vonMises",
"reduction_fun": lambda v: np.percentile(v, 95),
"column_label": "95th percentile"
You can specify any material that you can find in the FreeCAD FEA material selection dropdown; just refer to it by its name:
"object_name": "MaterialSolid", # the object where to find the constraint
"constraint_name": "Material", # the constraint name that you assigned
"constraint_values": ["Aluminium-Generic", "Steel-Generic"],
Renaming the CCX solver and results won't affect the solution, but if you're having trouble running the analysis you can set them yourself just before run_parametric()
# in case you need to explicitly set the CalculiX results object and the solver name
fea.setup_fea(fea_results_name="CCX_Results", solver_name="SolverCcxTools")
You can export individual ParaView files using:
results = fea.run_parametric(export_results=True, output_folder="path/to/my/results")
Or just save the results dataframe in a .csv, json or serialised pickle object:
fea.save_fea_results("results.json", mode="json")
fea.save_fea_results("results.pickle", mode="pickle")
... or even take a look at the parameters matrix before running any analysis:
results = fea.run_parametric(dry_run=True)
If you have multiple installations of FreeCAD or are using a system other than Windows (as of version <=0.3) you have to specify the path to FreeCAD manually in the call to parametric
# you can manually specify the path to FreeCAD on your system:
FREECAD_PATH = "C:/Program Files/FreeCAD 0.20/bin"
fea = parametric(freecad_path=FREECAD_PATH)
As of 0.3:
- this has been tested on FreeCAD 0.20, on Windows only, but you can try other platforms
- only Netgen meshes are supported
- Only static FEM analysis has been tested
I have created this for hobby and personal use, as I was interested in learning more about FreeCAD and writing Python modules. There are a lot of things that I would like to fix, if you want to get involved have a look at the open issues and send me a message if you have any questions.