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To install simply fire up your favorite editor and write gem 'clovercms-dashboard', :require => :dashboard
in your Gemfile
bundle install
rails g clover_cms:dashboard:install
- Enjoy!
You first need to download dashboard from git and do as follows:
git clone git://github.com/cloverinteractive/clovercms-dashboard.git
cd clovercms-dashboard
bundle install
bundle exec test/dummy/script/rails g clover_cms:dashboard:install
rails g clover_cms:dashboard:install
copies the needed sass and images for your application to have a dashboard look.
By default sass will get copied to app/stylesheets
which is compass, standard, but you can switch it to any other place within app just by sending a parameter:
rails g clover_cms:dashboard:install sass # This will copy all the sass files to app/sass instead
Relax once again the answer is one parameter away:
rails g clover_cms:dashboard:install --asset-pipeline
Simply run rails g clover_cms:dashboard:views
that will copy all the views into your app/views directory.
Simply run rails g clover_cms:dashboard:views --haml
that should do it.
We currently test and integrate in:
- ruby 1.9.2
- ruby 1.8.7
- ree
This gem comes with a dummy application to test in the browser, just do the following from the articulate dir:
cd test/dummy
rails s
- You can now visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
Feel free fork this project and submit a pull request, don't forget to add yourself to the contributors list in this README file.
- Enrique Vidal - Ruby developer
- Adan Alvarado - Designer and Front end developer
- [Mario Bonales] (http://github.com/marioBonales)