This is an open source mobile application for displaying information from BYU's LearingSuite for students
There is a slide show at the following link that you can check out to get going. Check out the last slide for a comprehensive list of necessary steps to get going!
Once you become a collaborator, check out the waffle board to see what needs done.
Choose a task that no one is working on and start contributing!
(Make sure you have everything installed as explained in the 'Gettting Started' section above)
- Click on the link above.
- Find a task that you want to work on in the 'To Do' column
- Click on the person icon on the top right of the task card and assign yourself to it.
- Drag the card over to the 'In Progress' Section.
- Make yourself a branch in the repo with a title that describes the feature that you are working on (i.e. login-screen-branch)
- Make sure your branch is set up as a remote branch
- Make something awesome on your branch
- Submit a pull request and we will review it and get your changes merged into the code base within a couple of days
NOTE: If you have any questions with any of these steps feel free to email me anytime at [email protected] or send me a DM in the slack workspace.
To know what to make your features look like follow the wireframe we're working on. Also, if you want to collaborate to the wireframe, shoot me an email ([email protected]) / slack message (@tylerku) and i'll get you added to it.