nimres is a nim package used to bundle dependencys into a single file to be shipped with the executable that can store data from multiple other files.
both of these store the assets in the executable.
install nimres
nimble install
create a files.nim
file containing:
import nimres
const root = currentSourcePath()
resToc(root, "content.bin",
# more files
To use a preprocessor, write a script that takes in 2 paths, an input and an output.
Then use the relative path after a |
following the filename.
import files.nim
in any files you want to refrence a resource:
import files
# get the contents as a string
echo $res"file1.txt"
# get the contents as a stream
var stream = res"file1.txt".openStream
# get the pointer of the contents
var dataPtr = res"file1.txt".getPointer
# get the size of the contents
var contents = res"file1.txt".size
get a list of the contents in files.nim
nim c -d:genContents -c files.nim 2>&1 | grep contents: | sed -e "s/contents: //" -e "s\#$$PWD/\#\#g"