A Project in active development. Features may have breaking changes at any time before v1.0.0 version
Balerter is a scripts based alerting system.
In your script you may:
- obtain needed data from different data sources (prometheus, clickhouse, postgres, external HTTP API etc.)
- analyze data and make a decision about alert status
- change Alerts statuses and receive notifications about it
In the example bellow we create one Clickhouse datasource, one scripts source and one alert channel. In the script we run query to clickhouse, check the value and fire the alert (or switch off it)
- Slack
- Telegram
- Syslog
- Desktop Notify
- Discord
- Webhook
- Prometheus Alertmanager
- Prometheus AlertmanagerReceiver
- Twilio Voice (phone calls)
- Clickhouse
- Prometheus
- Postgres
- Loki
- Any external API with
lua module
Full documentation available on https://balerter.com
docker pull balerter/balerter
docker run \
-v /path/to/config.yml:/opt/config.yml \
-v /path/to/scripts:/opt/scripts \
-v /path/to/cert.crt:/home/user/db.crt \
balerter/balerter -config=/opt/config.yml
Config file config.yml
- name: debug-folder
path: /opt/scripts
mask: '*.lua'
- name: ch1
host: localhost
port: 6440
username: default
password: secret
database: default
sslMode: verified_full
sslCertPath: /home/user/db.crt
- name: slack1
url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/hash
Sample script rps.lua
-- @cron */10 * * * * *
-- @name script1
local minRequestsRPS = 100
local log = require("log")
local ch1 = require("datasource.clickhouse.ch1")
local res, err = ch1.query("SELECT sum(requests) AS rps FROM some_table WHERE date = now()")
if err ~= nil then
log.error("clickhouse 'ch1' query error: " .. err)
local resultRPS = res[1].rps
if resultRPS < minResultRPS then
alert.error("rps-min-limit", "Requests RPS are very small: " .. tostring(resultRPS))
alert.success("rps-min-limit", "Requests RPS ok")
Also, you can to write tests!
An example:
-- @test script1
-- @name script1-test
test = require('test')
local resp = {
rps = 10
test.datasource('clickhouse.ch1').on('query', 'SELECT sum(requests) AS rps FROM some_table WHERE date = now()').response(resp)
test.alert().assertCalled('error', 'rps-min-limit', 'Requests RPS are very small: 10')
test.alert().assertNotCalled('success', 'rps-min-limit', 'Requests RPS ok')
See a documentation on https://balerter.com